Journal of Insurance and Finance 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.59
pISSN : 2384-3209 / eISSN : 2951-3448
pISSN : 2384-3209 / eISSN : 2951-3448
Formatting and Submission Guidelines
Journal of Insurance and Finance
□ Formatting Guidelines
1. Manuscripts for submission to the Journal of Insurance and Finance must follow the rules of academic papers.
A. Title of paper (Korean and English)
B. Name of author (Korean and English)
The author’s title, affiliation and e-mail address will be written in a footnote. The footnotes will include *, **, ***.
C. Abstract in Korean (Approximately 10 lines, keywords in Korean)
D. Research field code by the National Research Foundation
E. Main text
F. Works cited
G. Abstract in English (Approximately 300 words/key points in the text, keywords in English)
2. For joint research, the name of the principal researcher should come first and should be stated in the footnotes within the introduction of the authors. Moreover, the title and affiliation of the principal researcher and other authors should be stated.
3. The manuscript should not exceed 30 pages in B5. (Including the Korean abstract, citation and English abstract.)
4. Manuscripts should follow the formatting rules stated below.
A. Manuscripts must use B5 offered by the word processor.
B. Type of word processor: Hangul
C. Chapters should be stated in the order ofⅠ, 1, 가, (1), (가), ①, ㉮.
D. Formatting of the text
- Font: 바탕
- Size: 10 point
- Line spacing: 18pt (Text scale: 100%, letter spacing: -6)
- Indent: 10pt
E. Tables and figures
① Title of tables and figures
- Font: HY중고딕
- Size: 10 point
- Line spacing: 150%
② Text in tables and figures
- Font: 바탕
- Size: 9 point
- Line spacing: 130%
F. Footnotes
- Font: 바탕
- Size: 9 point
- Line spacing: 150%
5. Foreign words should follow the rules within the “Foreign Words Notation.” However, foreign words can be written as it is if the name of a person or a location is written in Chinese characters, or if the name of the person is an author the paper is citing, or if it is a special academic term that cannot be adequately expressed in Korean.
6. The contents of the tables and figures should be written in English so that the reader can understand without having to refer to the main text or its references.
A. The title of the tables and figures will be ,
B. Notes and sources will be written right below the Table (Figure) mindful of spacing.
C. The unit will be written on the top right hand corner of the tables (figures), and if more than one unit is used, they must be written inside a bracket with a comma in between the two.
7. In-text citation should be written Hong (1995) or Hong (1995: 89-90).
8. Footnotes and references
A. Footnotes should be written in a complete sentence (e.g. This research has been funded by the Korea Insurance Institute.)
B. Papers should include in-text citations and only use footnotes when there is extra information. In-text citation should follow the rules below.
① In-text citation: State what you are referencing in between the quotation marks (“ ”), and state the citation inside the brackets. E.g.: “The higher the contributions paid the lower the number of insolvencies.”(Collins, 1992: 88-90)
② When citing from a particulate page: State your reference (Name of author (Year of publication), Page number). E.g.: Hong (1995), pp. 89-90
C. All texts referred to in the main text and footnotes must be included in the ‘Works Cited’ at the end of the paper.
D. References that had not been referred to in the main text and footnotes should not be included in the ‘Works Cited.’
E. References should be alphabetically ordered from Asian literature, such as Korean, Chinese and Japanese followed by Western literature alphabetically ordered by the author’s last name or the name of an institution.
F. Works with multiple authors should be written in the order of the year of publication. Works that have been published in the same year should be written thus, 1990(a), 1990(b), 1990(c). Replace the author’s name with _____.
G. Footnotes of the published books will be written in this order: “Name of author, title, publisher, year of publication, pagination”. Footnotes of the articles should follow the rules of the works cited.
H. In footnotes and works cited, published books and periodicals in Korean will be written in bold; published books and periodicals in English will be italicized; articles in Korean and English will be written inside the quotation marks (“ ”). Citation of articles, books and news articles will follow the examples below. References in Korean must include an English translation below with a heading ‘(Translated in English)’.
- 성대규, 한국보험업법, 두남, 2012.
(Translated in English) Daegyu Sung, Insurance Business Act Korea, Dunam, 2012.
- 남상욱, “보험회사의 광고 속성과 소비자 신뢰에 관한 실증연구”, 보험학회지, 제 93집, 2012.
(Translated in English) Sangwook Nam, “The Relationship Between the Advertising Attributes and Consumer's Trust Level of the Insurance Company”, Korean Insurance Journal, Vol. 93, 2012.
- 오승연·김유미, 인구 및 가구구조 변화가 보험 수요에 미치는 영향, 조사보고서, 보험연구원, 2015, pp. 20-35.
(Translated in English) Seung-Yun Oh, Yu Mi Kim, The Effects of Changes in Population and Household Structure on Demand for Insurance, Survey Report, Korea Insurance Research Institute, 2015, pp. 20-35.
- 한국일보, “보험사, 민원과의 전쟁”, 2014. 5. 18.
- Priestley, M.B., Spectral Analysis and Time Series, New York: Academic Press, 1981.
- Ginsberg, P.B. and Manheim, L. M., “Insurance , Copayment and Health Services Utilization: A Critical Review”, Journal of Economic and Business, Vol. 58(2), May 1968, pp. 35-53.
- New York Times, August 15, 1998, sec. 4, p. 11.
-, 2005. 10. 20.