Journal of Insurance and Finance 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.59
pISSN : 2384-3209 / eISSN : 2951-3448
pISSN : 2384-3209 / eISSN : 2951-3448
Reviewer Guidelines and Editorial Criteria
Journal of Insurance and Finance
1. Purpose
The purpose of these rules is to stipulate any issues concerning the reviewing and editing procedure of the Journal of Insurance and Finance, an academic journal issued by the Korea Insurance Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”).
2. Date of publication
A. The Journal of Insurance and Finance will be published four times a year.
B. The journal will be published on February 28, May 31, August 31, and November 30 each year, with exceptions when necessary.
3. Schedule
A. Acceptance of the submitted manuscripts (D (Date of submission) + 1 day)
B. Appointment of reviewers (D + 7 days)
C. Completion of reviews and the submission of the review reports (D + 21 days)
D. Notification of an acceptance/rejection after the first review (D + 25 days)
E. Submission of the revised manuscripts by authors (D + 35 days)
F. Final decisions made by the editorial board
G. Other decisions are made by the editor-in-chief or the editorial board
4. Editorial board
A. Composition and operation of the editorial board
1) The president of the Institute will appoint no more than 20 editors among researchers equipped with the desirable expertise including professors in academic fields and researchers from research institutes.
2) The editor-in-chief will be responsible for all activities related to editing.
3) The editor-in-chief will appoint a managing director to assist in the activities of the editor-in-chief.
4) The term of office for editors and the editor-in-chief is two years and may be extended.
5) The editor-in-chief may exclude an editor from an editorial meeting should an editor submit his/her own manuscript.
B. The editor must be one of the following.
1) A person who holds the rank of associate professor or higher at a four-year university
2) A person who has published more than three research papers
3) A person who has presented papers (or participated as the chair or a discussant) at domestic or international conferences on more than two occasions in the last two years.
C. The editorial board deliberates and decides on the following.
1) The editorial board makes decisions on all matters including the editing and publishing procedures of the Journal of Finance and Insurance.
2) Major issues to be deliberated and decided on include the editorial standards, the changes of the standards, the direction of the editing, the appointment of reviewers, the evaluation of the results reported by the reviewers, and matters regarding the publication of manuscripts.