Korean Language & Literature 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.63
pISSN : 1229-1730 / eISSN : 2733-8738
- https://journal.kci.go.kr/koreall
pISSN : 1229-1730 / eISSN : 2733-8738
The Korean Language and Literature Society of Korea
1) Date of establishment: February 23, 1963.
2) Purpose of establishment: The Korean Language and Literature Society aims to contribute to the improvement of Korean culture by studying Korean language and literature and to contribute to the development of academia by promoting academic exchanges and academic advancement among its members.
3) Journal <Korean Language & Literature>
- Research fields: Korean linguistics, classical literature, modern literature, and Korean language education.
- Published four times a year (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31)
4) National Academic Presentation Contest is held
- Contribute to the development of academic societies and academic exchanges by holding national academic presentations and conferences once or twice a year.