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2003, Vol.36, No.

Integrating Spatial Planning and Environmental Policy in the Regions : Lessons from an Integrated Area-Specific Approach in the Netherlands
In Kwon Park | 2003, 36 | pp.1~18 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Regional Classification for the Diff e rentiation of National Assistance
이원섭 | 2003, 36 | pp.2~35 | number of Cited : 12
A Study on Growth Process and Location Preference of High Tech Industries : A Case Study of the Austin Region
이왕건 | 2003, 36 | pp.3~58 | number of Cited : 3
Changing Urban Spatial Structurein Informatin Society
김현식 , 진영효 | 2003, 36 | pp.4~76 | number of Cited : 3
Place Asset Making in Place Marketing for Regional Development
HyeonHo kim | 2003, 36 | pp.5~95 | number of Cited : 43
A Study on Alternatives for Tourism Vitalizations with a Consideration of Ecological Characteristics in Jeju International Free City
Yong-Bok Choi | 2003, 36 | pp.6~110 | number of Cited : 4
A Study of the Characteristics of Land Use in the Area along the Line t h rough the Highway in the Metropolitan Area : Focus on a National Road Line No. 43
Myeong-Hun LEE , 정준화 | 2003, 36 | pp.7~127 | number of Cited : 0
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Family Structure and Homeownership
JeungilOh | 2003, 36 | pp.8~143 | number of Cited : 1