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Effects of Built Environmental Factors on Obesity and Self-reported Health Status in Seoul Metropolitan Area Using Spatial Regression Model

Eun Jung Kim ORD ID 1 KANG MIN GYU 1




The purpose of this study is to analyze effects of built environmental factors on obesity and self-reported health status using spatial autocorrelation analysis. Spatial unit was 53 si, gun, and gu (local government unit) while spatial area was Seoul Metropolitan Area(SMA). Body mass index(BMI) and self-reported health status were used as dependent variables while 23 built environmental factors and 31 personal factors were used as independent and confounding variables, respectively. Obese (i.e., BMI > 25) population and healthy (i.e., self-reported health status =good, very good) population rates were 31.8% and 50.5%. The Moran’s Is of obese and healthy population were 0.2781 and -0.0413, respectively. Therefore, this study used spatial regression model for obese population while this employed OLS regression model for healthy population. Empirical result showed that obesity population was correlated with the number of fast food restaurants(-) and the length of bike route(-) while no built environmental correlates of healthy population. The significance of this study is to consider the built environmental factor on community health planning.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.