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 The Korean Society for Dance Studies(KRSDS) started in 1998 as the academic department of World Dance Alliance (WDA) and developed as one of the representative dance organizations in South Korea. KRSDS has approximately 800 members and 85 members of board of directors nationwide. KRSDS publishes The Korean Journal of Dance Studies (ISSN 1226-900X / e-ISSN 2713-9468) KRSDS has contributed to promote the development of dance theory and foundation for dance research in South Korea. The Korean Journal of Dance Studies has been selected in Korean Citation Index(KCI) by National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) since 2011.  KRSDS has held several international conferences. The guest presenters KRSDS has invited include scholars such as Ann Hutchinson Guest(Dance Notation Expert), Deborah Jowitt(Dance Critic), Gerard Mayen(Dance Critic), Tatsuro Ishii(Dance Critic), Kajuko Guniyoshi(prof. at Waseda Univ.), Jang Lin(Vice president of Shanghai Theater Academy), Nuki Shigeto(prof. at Sensyu Univ.), and so on.

Editor-in-Chief more

Ye-Won, Suh

(Cheongju National University of Education)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.93
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.83
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.879
  • Immediacy Index : 0.0938

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.96, No.3 more

Practical Application and Significance of Performing Arts Archival Discourse -Focused on the Case of the Museum of Modern Art, New York-
CHOI YUN YOUNG | 2024, 96(3) | pp.1~18 | number of Cited : 0
A Qualitative Study on the Effect of a DCD, Dance Creation Program Using Sign Language, on Self-esteem and Self-expression Ability of Adult Deaf People
Kang, Choong man | Kim, Kyoung Shin | 2024, 96(3) | pp.19~37 | number of Cited : 0
The Phenomenological Study on Professional Dancers' Experience in Feldenkrais ATM(Awareness Through Movement) Class
Ah Rong Kim | Cho, Eun Sook | 2024, 96(3) | pp.39~64 | number of Cited : 0

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