The Korean Journal of Dance Studies 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.93
pISSN : 1226-900X / eISSN : 2713-9468
pISSN : 1226-900X / eISSN : 2713-9468
Style and Formatting Guidelines
<Submission and Publication>
1. Contributors of articles do so on the understanding that the work and its essential substance have not been published before and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. The Korean Journal of Dance Studies calls for papers in the formats of scholarly and original articles and reviews of academic literatures in dance and related arts.
2. The length of scholarly articles should be approximately 15 pages including notes. Other types of manuscripts do not have length restriction. All manuscripts should include a brief bio (affiliation) and contact information (E-mail), English abstract. All manuscripts must be submitted to The Korean Society For Dance Studies through Journal&Article Management System( All contributors are required to pay review fees (70 USD per manuscript).
3. Submitted manuscripts should not be double-submitted to or reviewed by other journals until the decision of the acceptance of publication is made. Contributors need to fill-in and submit ‘Article Publication Application Form’ and ‘Ethics Pledge.’
4. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by Editorial Board according to the regulations for review of article. Editorial Board determines the acceptance of publication according to the result of reviews.
5. Fees Contributors pay for additional expense that occurs because of table, figure, or picture.
6. For the articles contributed to the Journal, Korean shall be the primary language and English shall be allowed among other languages. If a manuscript is written in English, Korean abstract should be included.
7. A contributor can submit a single-authored article and a co-authored article in one issue.
8. Publication of a submitted manuscript can be postponed to the following issue depending on the Korean Journal of Dance Studies publication schedule. The order of publication is decided according to the dates of submission.
9. Copyright of published article is held by KRSDS. Additional publication or duplication requires approval form KRSDS.
<Style and Formation>
1. HWP document shall be the primary file format. However, foreign submission can use Word format(.doc). Documentation format including font and spacing must follow publication style of KRSDS.
2. Article structure shall be consist of title, name of the author(s)(affiliation), table of contents, body of text, bibliography, and abstract.
3. Levels of Headings
1 level: I, II, III
2 level: 1, 2, 3
3 level:가,나,다
4 level: 1), 2), 3)
5 level:가),나),다)
4. Footnote is the primary style of quotation.
1) Direct quotation 1: A quotation fewer than 40words are marked by double quotation marks (“ ”) in text and accompanied with a footnote of citation. Use single quotation marks within double quotation marks to set off material that in the original source was enclosed in double quotation marks.
2) Direct quotation 2: A quotation more than 40words are presented as a block quotation without any quotation marks. A block quotation appears after a paragraph-change, in size 8 font, and with 5 letter-indention from both sides. Cite the quoted source in a footnote after the final punctuation mark.
3) Indirect quotation: Indicate the range of quotation using expressions like ‘according to OO.’ While paraphrasing, be attentive not to distort original meaning. Do not use quotation marks. Cite the quoted source with a footnote at the end of the sentence.
4) Quotation of already quoted material: If evitable, quotations should be drawn from original sources, not from already quoted materials. In an inevitable case, the footnote must carry the original source and the first-quotation source.
5) In case of quantitative research, in-text citation is allowed. In-text citation is written in parentheses after the sentence with the name(s) of the author(s), publication year, and page number. Font and size should be same as text.
5. All footnotes place at the bottom of the page with page numbers. Display a quotation of more than three lines in a free-standing block. A block quotation separates from text by a line from up and bottom and with 3-letter indention. Source with more than two authors is footnoted with all authors when appearing for the first time and with the first author’s name, et al. and year after the first appearance. If the author is an organization, write the full name of the organization when appearing for the first time and after that write abbreviation. In footnotes, put location and publisher within paranthesis.
E. Bates, L. Benigni and V. Volterra(1979), The Emergence of Symbols(New York: Academic Press), pp.299-230.
▶Quotation of Quotation
E. Bates(1979), The Emergence of Symbols(New York: Academic Press), p.13
material T. Pritel(1987), Identity of Korean Dance, Soomin Lee trans.,(Seoul: Dance World, 1998), pp.7-8.
R. Gibbs, N. Nayak, and C. Cutting(1989), How to kick the bucket and not decompose, Journal of Memory and Language 28, p.587.
▶Quotation of the immediate previous source, but from different page
Ibid., p.3.
▶Quotation of the previous but not the immediate previous source
R. Gibbs(1989), p.40.
6. Citation lists books by the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), publication year, title, location, and publisher.
1) Author, Editor Edited books are marked by (편) in Korean and (ed.)/(eds.) in English after his/her name.
2) Publication Year Year of publication of the book
3) Title Use Gothic in Korean and Italic in English. Capitalize nouns and pronouns. Korean books are marked as000. Foreign books do not use brackets. (see example 6)
4) Location·Publisher Use colon(:) between location and publisher
7. Bibliography lists sources that are quoted in text.
8. The order of bibliography is 1) Korean book 2) Foreign book(in order of English, French, Chinese, Japanese) 3) Korean article 4) Foreign article 5) Others(Magazine, Newspaper, Video, Internet site, etc.). Each category is in alphabetical order (phonetic alphabetical order in case of Chinese and Japanese).
1) Foreign author is marked by surname first and given name second. The first of multiple authors
adopts this order. Dictionary and pamphlet is listed in alphabetic order of title.
2) For DVD and video, supplier’s name would be the author’s name.
3) When quoting electronic sources, write the name of the author, title, date, location. Title in Korean uses double quotation marks(“ ”) or brackets( ). Title in English uses italics. Write the date of access and URL(Uniform Resource Locator). Internet address uses < > with the date of access and a period at the end. Citation of electronic publication follows the style of general publication, including information that is characteristic to electronic publication.
Haskins, James(1990). Black Dance in America. New York: Harper Trophy. Haskins, J., C. Kim and M. Tharp(1998). Dance. London: Routledge.
▶Thesis, Dissertation, Article
Kim, Chris(1995). Dance and Its Value. Dance Research, 20(3): 24-28.
(volume 20, number 3, page number 24-28)
▶Magazine, Newspaper
Ann Hutchinson Guest(1956). “The Dance Notation Field Here and Abroad,” Dance
Magazine, November, p.36.
John Martine(1944). “The Dance: Concerning Notation,” New York Times, Feb.20,
Nash, J. Madeleine(1993, January 11). "The Most Wanted Particle". Time, p.43.
▶Booklet, Pamphlet, or Brochure
With an author: Zimmer, Henry B. Canplan: Your Canadian Financial Planning
Software. Calgary, AB: Sprinbank, 1994.
With no author stated: Diabetes Care: Blood Glucose Monitoring. Burneby, BC:
LifeScan Canada, 1997.
Dance Horizons(1983). Festive Nights of Eastern Dance. Moha Folklore Company. New York:Dance Horizons.(VHS, 2 hours).
▶Electronic source
Forsythe Company Hompage <http://, 2013. 12. 8.>.
Cunningham, Merce. Chance method. Postmoderndance. <, 2007. 3. 10.>.
9. Abstract should be no more than 150 words and double-spaced. Abstract includes English title, English rendering of the names(s) of the author(s)(affiliation). Present five key words (English(Korean)) at the bottom of the page.
10. Table and Figure
1) Number all tables and figures with parenthesis such as <Table 1>, <Figure 1>.
2) Give table title at the upper left hand side of the table and figure title at the center of the bottom of the figure.
3) Present originals of photos and pictures in clear state so that can be copied and printed. When attaching photos, provide black-and-white films, if possible.
4) Create titles of table and figure in Korean or Korean-Chinese format. When using native language in titles of table and figure, provide Korean translation or annotation.
5) Provide citations for quoted tables and figures.