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2019, Vol.28, No.1

A Study on Development of Climate Change Adaptation in Ecosystem Sector – Focused on Policy and Research Base in Major Countries –
In-Ae Yeo ORD ID , Seungbum Hong ORD ID , Park, Eun-Jin ORD ID | 2019, 28(1) | pp.1~22 | number of Cited : 3
Urban Street Planting Scenarios Simulation for Micro-scale Urban Heat Island Effect Mitigation in Seoul
You Jin Kwon ORD ID , Lee, Dong Kun ORD ID , Saekyul Ahn ORD ID | 2019, 28(1) | pp.23~34 | number of Cited : 17
Analysis of Load Duration Curve Using Long Time Flow Measurement Data of Kyeongancheon
Changwan Noh ORD ID , Phil-Sang Kwon ORD ID , Woo-Seok Jung ORD ID and 3 other persons | 2019, 28(1) | pp.35~48 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of Effects of Multiple Environmental Factors on Early Life-history for Growth and Stress Accumulation Using a Dynamic-state-dependent Model
Who-Seung Lee ORD ID | 2019, 28(1) | pp.49~62 | number of Cited : 0
Study on the Standard Guideline of Environmental Impact Assessment Focusing on Light Pollution
윤희경 ORD ID , Tae-Bong Choi ORD ID , Bu-Kyung Kim ORD ID and 1 other persons | 2019, 28(1) | pp.63~70 | number of Cited : 2
A Case Study on Selecting Sitesfor Wetland Restoration – Focusing on the Research Survey of National Inland Wetlands Monitoring in 2016 –