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A-Time-Serise Study of Ambient Air Pollution in Relation to Daily Death Count in Daejeon

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2004, 13(1), pp.9-19
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

Yong Sung Cho 1 이종태 2 김윤신 3




This study is performed to examine the relationship between air pollution exposure andmortality in Daejeon for the years of 1998 - 2001. Daily counts of death were analyzed bygeneral additive Poisson model, with adjustment for effects of seasonal trend, air temperature,humidity, and day of the week as confounders in a nonparametric approach. Daily deathcounts were associated with CO(4 day before), O3(current day), PM10(4 day before), NO2(6 daybefore), SO2(2 day before). Increase of 31.07 mg/m 3(interquartile range) in PM10 was associatedwith 2.0 % (95% CI = 0.5 % - 3.5 %) increase in the daily number of death. This effect was greaterin children(less than 15 aged) and elderly(more than 65 aged). We concluded that Daejeon had2 - 4 % increase in mortality in association with IQR in air pollutants. Daily variations in airpollution within the range currently occurring in Daejeon might have an adverse effect on dailymortality. These findings also support the hypothesis that air pollution at levels below thecurrent ambient air quality standards of Korea except PM10, is harmful to sensitive subjects,such as children or elderly.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.