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Analysis of Wildlife Moving Route with Landscape Characteristics

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2008, 17(2), pp.133-141
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

Lee, Dong Kun 1 Song, Wonkyong 1 Park Chan 1




The loss, alteration, and fragmentation of habitat have led to a reduction of biodiversity. Thegrowing awareness of the negative effects of habitat fragmentation on natural systems hasresulted in conservation strategy that is concerned with not only population and habitat levelbut also ecosystem and landscape level. Especially, ecological network to link core areas ormajor habitat patches is one of the most important issues. Recently, landscape connectivity isincreasingly used in decision making for fragmented landscape management in order toconserve the biodiversity in the regional scale. The objective of this study was to find potentialforest as a ecological corridor in Go-yang city, Gyung-gi province using cost-distance modellingmethod that can measure connectivity based on animal movement. ‘Least cost-distance’modelling based on functional connectivity can be useful to establish ecological network andbiodiversity conservation plan. This method calculates the distance modified with the cost tomove between habitat patches based on detailed geographical information on the landscape aswell as behavioural aspects of the animal movement. The least cost-distance models are basedon two biologically assumptions: (1) dispersers have complete knowledge of theirsurroundings, and (2) they do select the least cost route from this information. As a result of thisstudy, we can find wildlife moving route for biodiversity conservation. The result is very usefulfor long-term aspect of biodiversity conservation plan in regional scale, because this is reflectionof geographical information and behavioural aspects of the animal movement.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.