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The Community of Cryophilic and Mountain Periphyton at High Altitude Streams in the Han-river System

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2012, 21(1), pp.143~160
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

김용진 1 Dong Soo Kong 1 Ok Min Lee 1




The community of periphyton was studied at high altitude streams of the Han-river System,including Buk-stream and Hangae-stream from October to November 2010. The study had special emphasis on the distribution of the cryophilic and mountain periphyton. In this research, 117 taxa of periphyton appeared and 80 taxa of diatom were included within these periphytons. Saproxenous taxa, such as Achnanthes convergens and Hannaea arcus var. subarcus were appeared in most sites, 7 sites were dominant by filamentous taxa in green and blue green algae. The DAIpo value was from 48.8 to 92.5 for the water system of this research. Most sites showed a good water quality, receiving a B class or above except the Woljeong-stream and the Daeki-stream. Cryophilic and mountain periphyton appeared 9 taxa which composed by diatoms Cymbella affinis, Cymbella tumida, Diatoma mesodon, Diatoma vulgare, Eunotia pectinalis,Hannaea arcus, Hannaea arcus var. subarcus and Synedra inaequalis and green algae Ulothrix zonata. Among these taxa, Hannaea arcus var. subarcus, found in 29 out of 33 sites, had the highest frequency of apperance. The relative frequency of Hannaea arcus var. subarcus was positively correlated with altitude(r2=0.539) and negatively correlated with water temperature(r2=0.338). As a result, Hannaea arcus var. subarcus showed the characteristics of cryophilic and mountain periphyton in the research site.

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