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Application of BASIN 4.0 and WinHSPF to a Small Stream in Total Water Pollution Load Management Area and Calibration of Model Parameter using Genetic Algorithm

  • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Abbr : J EIA
  • 2012, 21(1), pp.161-169
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Research Area : Engineering > Environmental Engineering

CHO JAE HEON 1 윤승진 1




Recently various attempts have been made to apply HSPF model to calculate runoff and diffuse pollution loads of stream and reservoir watersheds. Because the role of standard flow is very important in the water quality modelling of Total Water Pollution Load Management,HSPF was used as a means of estimating standard flow. In this study, BASINS 4.0 and WinHSPF was applied to the Gomakwoncheon watershed, genetic algorithm(GA) and influence coefficient algorithm were used to calibrate the runoff parameters of the WinHSPF. The objective function is the sum of the squares of the normalized residuals of the observed and calculated flow and it is optimized using GA. Estimates of the optimum runoff parameters are made at each iteration of the influence coefficient algorithm. The calibration results showed a relatively good correspondence between the observed and the calculated values. The standard flow(Q275) of the Gomakwoncheon watershed was estimated using the ten years of weather data.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.