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Analysis of Runoff Characteristics of Non-point Sources Pollutant and Application of BMP Using BASINS/WinHSPF Model

김민주 1 Kim Taekeun 1




This study analyzed runoff characteristics of non-point sources pollutant and evaluated removalof pollution by BMP(Best Management Practice) using BASINS/WinHSPF model. Hourlymeterological data including input data was provided from 2010 to 2011 year to run HSPF modelin Miho stream watershed. As the results of calibration and validation of the model, the modelcould be successfully performed to simulate the flow and water quality parameters. Theapprehensive area of non-point source pollution was chosen by non-point source pollution perarea of a tributary to the Miho stream and applied constructed wetland in area chosen. Threescenarios were based on installation area of an constructed wetland and HSPF model would beapplied to estimate the pollutant removals through the constructed wetland. The removal rates ofpollutants through the constructed wetland were estimated with the runoff and water qualityparameters by the comparisons of before and after the constructed wetland application.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.