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Calibration of WASP7 Model using a Genetic Algorithm and Application to a Drinking Water Resource Reservoir

배상목 1 CHO JAE HEON 1




When the water quality modelling is done with a manual calibration, it is possible thatthe researcher’s opinion may affect the objectivity of the research. Hence, the role of the automaticcalibration is highly important. This research applies a technique to automatically calibrate the waterquality parameters by implementing an optimization method. This involves estimating the optimumwater quality parameters targeting influential parameters towards the lake’s BOD, DO, Phosphorus,Nitrogen and Phytoplankton. To accurately calculate the water temperature and hydrauliccharacteristics of a deep, stratifying lake, EFDC, a 3-dimensional hydraulic model which can belinked to the WASP7 was applied. With EFDC, the segment of the lake is formed and utilized as aninput data of the WASP7. For the calibration of the water quality parameters of the WASP7, an for calibration, the normalized residuals of the observed and calculated values of DO, TN, CBOD wererelatively small and the three water quality variables were calibrated properly. Yet the accuracy of thecalibration of TP and Chl-a was relatively low.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.