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A Comparative Study for Estimation Methodologies of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks for Environmental Assessment on Development Projects

Sangil Hwang 1 박선환 2 전영봉 3 황정배 3 Seon-Hong Kang 3 김진홍 3




The objective of this study was to propose the best methodology for estimating soilorganic carbon stocks during environmental assessment for development projects. We comparedthree methodologies which were developed by Korea Environment Corporation(2010), Korea ForestResearch Institute (2006), and Jin-Hyun Jung (1998). We found that the methodology developed byJin-Hyun Jung (1998) shows the worst performance and the methodology of Korea Forest ResearchInstitute (2006) does not reflect a variety of soil types and land use characteristics shown indevelopment project plans. Therefore, we propose that the methodology developed by KoreaEnvironment Corporation (2010) is the most reasonable one because it is internationally acceptedand used for local governments to make the inventory of greenhouse gases as well as to set up itsreduction strategy.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.