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Cultural Assets of Myeonangjeong Song Soon and Its Usability as a Cultural Content.

  • The Studies in Korean Poetry and Culture
  • Abbr : Korean Poetry and Culture
  • 2021, (47), pp.75-98
  • Publisher : The Society of Korean Poetry and Culture
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature
  • Received : January 14, 2021
  • Accepted : February 15, 2021
  • Published : February 28, 2021

Park ki soo 1




This paper is written in attempt to revitalize and thus enjoy the cultural assets of Myeonangjeong Song Soon in various ways by seeking the usability of it as a cultural content. Cultural assets discussed in this paper refer to every assets that can consistently create value through culture, which must possess uniqueness, differentiation, and nowness. In this context, cultural assets of Song Soon must be found on integrated point of view that includes not only his literary asset but also Damyang that embodied it and diverse factors that give body to the cultural ecosystem of the region. Song Soon’s cultural assets can be divided into ① Song Soon’s life itself that contains the source story, ② heritage of korean classic poetry, ③ genealogical legacy of scholastic and literary mantles, ④ Damyang as place assets. Purpose of developing cultural contents based on Song Soon’s cultural assets is not only focused on cultural value creation that cultural assets of Song Soon should be excavated and promoted but also on economic value creation. Considering the nature of these purposes and characteristic of cultural assets, it must be discussed based on the specific spacial assets of Damyang. 5W1H that decides the direction and identity of cultural contents is very useful in building an implementation strategy. When we examine the assets that Damyang already secures with 5W1H, it is furnished with ‘When’ and ‘Where’ to a degree, but falls short of ‘Who’, ‘What’, and ‘How’. This essay inspects the use of Song Soon’s cultural assets as cultural content by each part of 5W1H and suggests the factors that must be considered from a strategic point of view. Both value of Song Soon’s cultural assets and assets that Damyang holds as space of implementation are clear. However, effort to implement and consist it as a cultural content should be developed stage by stage in macro perspective, and it is most important to occupy the identity and aim of the business in differentiated ways.

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