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2007, Vol.17, No.4

Factors Affecting Government Innovation: An Analysis of Consolidated Agencies
geeweon chang , Seok-Eun Kim | 2007, 17(4) | pp.17~41 | number of Cited : 28
The Study on the Fairness Perception of Personnel Administration among Municipal Officials and its Impact on their Organizational Commitment
김경주 | 2007, 17(4) | pp.43~64 | number of Cited : 32
A Case Analysis on Performance Budgeting Systems in Korean Government: Focused on Performance Plan
Kim Sung Chul , Ki-Muck Park , 전성훈 | 2007, 17(4) | pp.101~122 | number of Cited : 16
A Governance Approach to Cultural Relations: To expand ‘Hanryu’
Jong-Youl Lee | 2007, 17(4) | pp.123~144 | number of Cited : 19
Information Policy Evaluation Systems Reconstruction under the Integrated Policy Evaluation Institution Rebuilding
Chung, Myung Ju | 2007, 17(4) | pp.145~170 | number of Cited : 3
The Analysis on the Adequacy of Rental Fee through the Estimation of Demand and Supply for Funeral and Cemetery Facilities
Taejong Lee , Song Keon-Sup , 이재호 | 2007, 17(4) | pp.171~191 | number of Cited : 7
Police Officers' Perceptions on Cooperation between the Police and Community Organizations for Successful Local Policing
Huh Yong Hoon , 문유석 | 2007, 17(4) | pp.193~222 | number of Cited : 30
Changing Politics, Interest Conflict, and the Dynamics of Health Policy-making in Korea: Striving for the establishment of a single unified health insurer
Kim, Soon Yang | 2007, 17(4) | pp.223~247 | number of Cited : 0
Establishment of North Korea Human Resource Development System after The Reunification
Kang, il gyu | 2007, 17(4) | pp.249~280 | number of Cited : 0