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2016, Vol.27, No.2

The Social Economy Organizations as the Living Safety Health Surveillance Organization: Focusing on the Local Community Health Surveillance System Construction
강병준 | 2016, 27(2) | pp.1~29 | number of Cited : 3
A State-Comparative Study of Social Finance: Focused on the Ecology of Social Finance in UK and France
Hyun-Jong Yoo | 2016, 27(2) | pp.31~63 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the ‘Decoupling’ Experienced by Public Employees in the IS Audit Process of Information Program
Lee, Cheouljoo , Sim, Kwang-ho | 2016, 27(2) | pp.65~92 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Change of Productivity Factors by Relocation of Government Department: Case Study of Rural Development Administration
Oh, Young Kyun | 2016, 27(2) | pp.93~112 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Subjectivity of Emergency Disaster Management Based on Social Media
Sun Kyung, Kim | 2016, 27(2) | pp.113~130 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect of the Renewal Portfolio Standards(RPS) on Electric Power Generation in Korea
김준영 , Sung-Bae Kim , Park, Sangook | 2016, 27(2) | pp.131~160 | number of Cited : 12
Dynamics of Governmental Reorganization Process: Focused on ICT Related Ministries
JUNG, YONG-NAM | 2016, 27(2) | pp.161~200 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on the Influence of Roles Stress on Organizational Commitment: Focused on Moderating Effects of Leadership in Police Organization
Lee, Daewoong , 손주희 , KWON, GI HEON | 2016, 27(2) | pp.201~236 | number of Cited : 19
A Study on the Effect of Working Experience while in College on the Labor Market Outcomes: Focused on the Wage and Job Mismatch
정기덕 , CHO, MIN HYO | 2016, 27(2) | pp.237~259 | number of Cited : 22
A Comparative Analysis of the Formation of INDCs in Korea and New Zealand
이동길 , Yun, Sun-Jin | 2016, 27(2) | pp.261~294 | number of Cited : 1
Institutional Design of Fiscal Rules System in Korea: Focusing on Comparative Institutional Analysis of Fiscal Rule Framework of U.S. and Sweden
Lee, Jeonghee | 2016, 27(2) | pp.295~339 | number of Cited : 6