/ 2007
/ 정책학의 논리
/ 박영사
/ 2004
/ 행정철학
/ 대영문화사
/ 2008
/ 관계장관회의
/ 대영문화사
/ 2005
/ 새행정학
/ 대영문화사
/ 2006
/ 행정철학
/ 대영문화사
/ 1988
/ 정책결정론
/ 대명출판사
/ 1989
/ 정책학원론
/ 대명출판사
/ 2010
/ 정책학원론
/ 大明出版社
/ 2008
/ 정책학개론
/ 박영사
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/ Gordon and Breach Publishers
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/ Little, Brown and Company
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/ Public Policy-Making
/ Praeger
Clausen, Aage R.
/ 1973
/ How Congressmen Decide
/ St. Martin's Press
Cobb, Rogers W
/ 1972
/ Participation in American Politics: The Dynamics of Agenda Building
/ Johns Hopkins University Press
Cobb, Rogers W.
/ 1976
/ Agenda-Building as a Comparative Political Process
/ American Political Science Review
Cohen, Michael
/ 1972
/ A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice
/ Administrative Science Quarterly
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Cyert, Richard M.
/ 1963
/ A Behavioral Theory of the Firm
/ Prentice-Hall
Dogan, Mattei
/ 1975
/ The Political Power of Western Mandarins, In The Mandarins of Western Europe
/ John Wiley & Sons
Dror, Yehezkel
/ 1968
/ Public Policymaking Reexamined
/ Chandler Publishing Co
Druckerman, Daniel
/ 1977
/ Negotiations
/ Sage Publications
Dye, Thomas
/ 1981
/ Understanding Public Policy
/ Prentice-Hall
Etzioni, Amitai
/ 1967
/ Mixed Scanning: A Third Approach to Decision Making
/ Public Administrative Review
Eyestone, Robert
/ 1978
/ From Social Issues to Public Polixy
/ John Wiley & Sons
Fenno, Richard
/ 1973
/ Congressmen in committees
/ Little, Brown and Company
Gilmour, Robert S.
/ 1971
/ Policy Formulation in the Executive Branch: Central Legislative Clearance
/ Public Administration Review
Gladstone, Alan
/ 1984
/ Voluntary Arbitration of Interest Disputes
/ International Labor Office
Gulliver, P. H.
/ 1979
/ Disputes and Negotiations
/ Academic Press
Janis, Irving L.
/ 1977
/ Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment
/ The Free Press
Jones, Charles O.
/ 1984
/ An Introduction to the Study of Public Policy
/ Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
Kingdon, John W.
/ 1973
/ Congressmen's Voting Decisions
/ Harper & Row
Kingdon, John W.
/ 1981
/ Congressmen's Voting Decisions. 2nd ed
/ Harper & Row
Kingdon, John W.
/ 1984
/ Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies
/ Little, Brown and Company
Lindblom, Charles E.
/ 1959
/ The Science of Muddling Through
/ Public Administration Review
: 79~88
Lindblom, Charles E.
/ 1968
/ The Policy-Making Process
/ Prentice-Hall, Inc
March, James G.
/ 1958
/ Organizations
/ John Wiley
Mattews, Donald R.
/ 1975
/ Yeas and Nays: Normal Decision Making in the U.S. House of Representatives
/ John Wiley & Sons
Meier, Kenneth J.
/ 1987
/ Politics and the Bureaucracy, 2nd ed
/ Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
Moore, Christopher W.
/ 1986
/ The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict
/ Jossey-Bass Publishers
Rogers, David L.
/ 1982
/ Interorganizational Coordination: theory, research and implementation
/ Iowa State University press
Rourke, Francis E.
/ 1976
/ Bureaucracy, Politics, and Public Policy. 3nd ed
/ Little, Brown and Company
Rubin, Jeffrey Z.
/ 1975
/ The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation
/ Academic Press
Simon, Herbert A.
/ 1955
/ Behavioral Theory of Rational Theory
/ Quarterly Journal of Economics
Wildavsky, Aaron
/ 1964
/ The Politics of Budgetary Processes
/ Little Brown and Company
Zartman, I. William
/ 1982
/ The Practical Negotiator
/ Yale University Press