PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to look into relationship between image of physiotherapist and self-esteem of physiotherapy students and desirable image of physiotherapists offer to establish basic materials.
METHODS: The subjects of this study are consist of 603students of department of Physical therapy university and college in Busan and Kim-hae. Data are collected from June 9 to July 9 in 2011 by structured questionnaires.
RESULTS: The result are as follows.
1. at the physiotherapist image score, the highest score question is “Physiotherapist is specialist”(3.45) and the lowest score question is “Physiotherapist is treated samely with doctor”(2.15). 2. at the self-esteem score, the highest score question is “I think that I am at least as valuable as others”(3.37) and the lowest score question is “I can be poorly sometimes”(2.81).
3. at the static results of physiotherapist image score gap by general characteristics, there are significantly different in gender(t=2.27, p=.02), similar profession distinction(t=4.30,p=.00), major satisfaction(t=5.74, p=.00), school system (t=-2.54, p=.01).
4. at the static results of self-esteem score gap by general characteristics, there are significantly different in years (f=5.14, p=.00), gender(t=4.09, p=.00), religion(f=2.87,p=.04), similar profession distinction(t=3.97, p=.00), major satisfaction(t=4.26, p=.00).
5. at the static results of good reputation of physiotherapists increase self-esteem of physiotherapy students score questionare significantly different(r=0.53, p=.00).
CONCLUSION: Accordingly, these results of this study that there is a very correlation between image of physiotherapist and self-esteem of physiotherapy students. Therefore, good reputation of physiotherapists increase self-esteem of physiotherapy students.