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2021, Vol.16, No.4

Effects of Flexible and Semirigid Lumbosacral Orthosis on Lower-Limb Joint Angles during Gait in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study
Sang-Cheol Im , Kyoung Kim ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.1~11 | number of Cited : 0
The Effect of Action Observation Training with Acoustic Stimulation on Balance and Gait in Stroke Patients
Young-Mi Kim ORD ID , Lee ho jeong , JongSu Lee | 2021, 16(4) | pp.13~21 | number of Cited : 0
Comparison of the Immediate Effect of Ankle and Hip Joint Thera-band Exercise on the Balance Ability
Eunnarae Cho , Yeong-Seo Kwon , Dongyeop Lee and 4 other persons | 2021, 16(4) | pp.23~31 | number of Cited : 1
Review on ICF-related Research Trends in Korean Clinical Field
Song Ju-min ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.33~44 | number of Cited : 2
Path Analysis of Attitude Toward Health Checkup and Breast Cancer on the Application of Physical Therapy after Breast Cancer Surgery
Mi-Joung Lee , RO, HYO-LYUN ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.45~53 | number of Cited : 0
Effects of Sit-to-stand Training with Various Foot Positions Combined with Visual Feedback on Postural Alignment and Balance in Stroke Patients
Su-Jin Kim , Ho-Hee Son ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.55~65 | number of Cited : 0
Awareness of the Guidelines for Institutionalization of Physical Therapist Specialization
RO, HYO-LYUN ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.67~75 | number of Cited : 3
Effects of Exercise using PNF Chopping and Lifting Pattern on the Respiratory Function of Chronic Stroke Patients
Gyo-Im Kwon , Yongho Cho ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.77~83 | number of Cited : 3
Evaluation of Muscle Activity, Muscle Fatigue and Balance in Male High School Taekwondo Athlete with Deformity of Medial Longitudinal Arch
Seong-Hwan Won , Yoo Kyung Tae , Lee, Ho-Seong ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.85~93 | number of Cited : 0
Comparison of Abdominal Muscle Activation During Lifting with Stabilization Method
Ha-Rim Kim , Ho-Hee Son ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.95~102 | number of Cited : 1
Task-oriented Approach using Percussion Instruments in Chronic Stroke Patients Effect on Upper Limb Function: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Ju-Hak Kim , Kim Meung Kwon ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.103~116 | number of Cited : 0
Effect of Functional Latex Pillow on Muscle Thickness, Muscle Tonicity and Muscle Fatigue of Cervical Muscle in Patients with Chronic Cervical Pain
Jang-Tae Lee , Chon Seung Chul ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.117~124 | number of Cited : 1
Effect of Sensory Feedback Type on Correct Sitting Posture Learning on Healthy Adults
Ho-Jin Shin , Sung-Hyeon Kim ORD ID , Cho Hwi-young ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.125~137 | number of Cited : 0
The Effect of Wall-squat with Short-Foot Exercise on Pain and Pelvic alignment of Chronic Low Back Pain with Pronated Foot
Nam-Jun Kim , Lee, Han-Suk ORD ID | 2021, 16(4) | pp.139~151 | number of Cited : 1