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2009, Vol.18, No.1

The Size of Government Liabilities in Korea : Concept, Issues and Policy Implications
Oak Dong-Suk , Ha Yoonhee | 2009, 18(1) | pp.3~37 | number of Cited : 12
The EC Leniency Policy on the Whistle Blowers in Cartel Cases and Its Lessons
Lee, Hosun | 2009, 18(1) | pp.39~72 | number of Cited : 8
Regulations of Foreign Direct Investment on National Security Grounds: Comparison of Korean and the U.S. Regulations
Kim, Kwan Ho | 2009, 18(1) | pp.73~105 | number of Cited : 9
Legitimate Regulation regarding Leveraged Buy․Out : Critical Analysis on Korea's Supreme Court Decision Applying Breach of Trust in Office (Criminal Code 356)
이상현 | 2009, 18(1) | pp.107~141 | number of Cited : 17
Economic Analysis of Dual Class Stock
박양균 | 2009, 18(1) | pp.143~172 | number of Cited : 18
Selbstverwaltungsprinzip und Bestellung der Ämter bei Genossenschaften-in Hinblick auf die Reform des Gesetzes über Fischerreigenossenschaften-
Lee Byung Jun | 2009, 18(1) | pp.173~206 | number of Cited : 4
Searching for Substantial Conditions in Applying CBA of Risk Regulatory
Cha Min Yuh , Tae-Yun Kim | 2009, 18(1) | pp.207~243 | number of Cited : 21