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Aims & Scope more

The Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society is committed to the purpose of library and information science researchers to publish and share their research results, and through this, contribute to the development of the library and information science, library operation and services, and the information and data industry. The Journal is published quarterly with academic articles which are double-blind peer-reviewed by three people. The Journal is open access and covers library science, data and information science, bibliography, and reading-related areas. 

Editor-in-Chief more

Jung, Youngmi

(Dongeui University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 1.02
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.9
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 1.43
  • Immediacy Index : 0.22

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.55, No.4 more

A Study on the Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Collection Acquired by Direct Loan for Requested Books of Public Libraries in Busan
KOO, BONJIN | CHANG, DURK HYUN | 2024, 55(4) | pp.1~25 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Awareness of Library Employees for Establishment of Local Government Library Policy: Focusing on C City case
Kim Hong Ryul | Kim, Boil | 2024, 55(4) | pp.27~47 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Librarians’ Perceptions of the Social Role of Libraries for Hikikomori
Younghee Noh | kang jung a | 2024, 55(4) | pp.49~71 | number of Cited : 0

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