author={Su-Kyoung Kim and Seung Sook Choi and Whang, Jurng Hyun and Yoon, Sung Une},
title={Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities},
journal={Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society},
AU - Su-Kyoung Kim
AU - Seung Sook Choi
AU - Whang, Jurng Hyun
AU - Yoon, Sung Une
TI - Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities
JO - Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
PY - 2023
VL - 54
IS - 3
PB - Korean Library And Information Science Society
SP - 129
EP - 163
SN - 2466-2542
AB - The purpose of this study is to identify reading competency and its components according to the concept of reading competency in order to strengthen the reading competency of children and adolescents with disabilities, develop diagnostic questions, and provide basic data for the development of a reading competency diagnostic tool for children and adolescents with disabilities, Research methods include literature research, brainstorming, delphi survey, and preliminary research. As a result of the study, the components of the reading competency diagnostic tool are broadly divided into 2 areas (affective domain, environmental domain), 4 categories (reading motivation, reading attitude, human environment, and physical environment), and a total of 13 components in each of the 4 categories (Reading interest, reading value, reading recognition, reading expectations, reading habits, reading efficacy, reading immersion, reading anxiety (avoidance), home/family, school/teacher, peers, reading environment, media environment) and the corresponding questions. was developed. Based on these results, a direction for developing a reading competency diagnostic tool for children and adolescents with disabilities was presented.
KW - Children and Adolescents with Disabilities;Reading Competencies;Diagnostic Tool;Components;Diagnostic Questions;Blindness;Deafness;Developmental Disability
DO - 10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
ER -
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun and Yoon, Sung Une. (2023). Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 54(3), 129-163.
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun and Yoon, Sung Une. 2023, "Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities", Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, vol.54, no.3 pp.129-163. Available from: doi:10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun, Yoon, Sung Une "Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 54.3 pp.129-163 (2023) : 129.
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun, Yoon, Sung Une. Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. 2023; 54(3), 129-163. Available from: doi:10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun and Yoon, Sung Une. "Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 54, no.3 (2023) : 129-163.doi: 10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim; Seung Sook Choi; Whang, Jurng Hyun; Yoon, Sung Une. Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 54(3), 129-163. doi: 10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim; Seung Sook Choi; Whang, Jurng Hyun; Yoon, Sung Une. Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society. 2023; 54(3) 129-163. doi: 10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun, Yoon, Sung Une. Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. 2023; 54(3), 129-163. Available from: doi:10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129
Su-Kyoung Kim, Seung Sook Choi, Whang, Jurng Hyun and Yoon, Sung Une. "Research on Components for Developing a Reading Competency Diagnostic Tool for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society 54, no.3 (2023) : 129-163.doi: 10.16981/kliss.54.3.202309.129