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The effects of explicit grammar teaching on grammaticality judgement test and learners' strategy use

  • Modern English Education
  • Abbr : MEESO
  • 2009, 10(3), pp.174-193
  • Publisher : The Modern English Education Society
  • Research Area : Humanities > English Language and Literature > English Language Teaching

Ran Ryu 1 Hwang Seon-Yoo 2




This study investigated effects of explicit English grammar teaching on the results of both grammaticality judgment test and learners' strategy use. This study was conducted with 70 participating freshmen at a 2-year college in Daejeon area, 20 of whom were at an intermediate English level, the other 50 students being at a beginner level. All participants were taught grammar for a semester and given grammaticality tests and strategy questionnaires to complete before and after the grammar instruction. Results showed that explicit grammar teaching is likely to enhance explicit grammar knowledge as expected. For strategy use, the beginner students used a greater variety of strategies more frequently compared to pre-instruction, showing increase in strategy use in almost all categorized strategies, while the intermediate students showed difference in metacognitive and social strategy use only. It is significant from communicative context that the strategy of seeking practice opportunities is closely related to language use and the cooperative strategy involves interacting with others. The increase in use of these strategies is therefore meaningful in that it may show transfer from linguistic knowledge to language use and indicate more enjoyable learning and more rapid achievement.

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