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Supporting Details in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese L2 Learners’ Argumentative Writing

  • Modern English Education
  • Abbr : MEESO
  • 2014, 15(3), pp.21-42
  • Publisher : The Modern English Education Society
  • Research Area : Humanities > English Language and Literature > English Language Teaching

Chulwon Jung 1 Hohsung Choe 1




This study compares L2 micro-level rhetoric of supporting detail in argumentativewriting produced by learners from three East Asian countries. In order to answer theresearch question, three hundred TOEFL writing samples, one hundred from eachcountry, were analyzed. In the overall use of supporting detail, the Korean andChinese writers used Mentioning Advantage (MA) to the highest degree, while theJapanese writers used more Personal Experience (PE). Differences are also foundbetween the three countries in the use of supporting detail sub-categories. TheJapanese writers preferred the use of personal expressions, accounting forapproximately a half of their supporting details, combining Personal Preference(PP) and Personal Experience (PE). A significant number of Korean and Chinesewriters relied on Citation (CIT) and Anecdote (ANC) compared to the Japanesewriters; the Korean writers were found to favor the use of objective facts, in that theyused research data to support their main ideas, while the Chinese writers showed agreater dependence on traditional expressions such as proverbs. Although CommonKnowledge and Truth (CKT) is rarely used by the East Asian writers in this study,the Korean writers displayed a tendency to present it to a greater extent than writersin the other two countries.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.