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Information for Authors

Note to Authors


1) Please make sure paper title, your name(s), contact information including institutional affiliation(s), address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, are clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.

2) All submissions including book reviews should be made electronically in Hangul or Word to the following address: journal@nia.or.kr.

3) Authors should send a complete electronic versions of their full writings and an “Application Form for Submission” to the address above. The file of article should have full text, all figures, tables, and references. It is requested that a separate disk is also submitted containing their article.

4) Submission should be in English, typed in double spacing (including all notes and references).

5) Articles including references, appendixes, tables and figures, should not normally exceed 6,000 words in length. Please do a word count and print this at the end of the text, together with the date of the manuscript.

6) An abstract of the paper, of up to 300 words, should accompany the article. In addition, a list of up to six key words, suitable for indexing and abstracting esrvices, should be supplied.

7) Submission of a manuscript to Informatization Policy will be taken to imply that it presents original, unpublished, work that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a paper, the author(s) agrees that the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article have been given to the Publishers.

8) Permission to quote from or reproduce copyright material must be obtained by the authors before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgements section at the end of the paper, before the Notes. Where photographs or figures are reproduced, acknowledgement of source and copyright should be given in the caption.

9) A brief biographical note about each author should be submitted on a separate sheet. Details should be given of authors full postal and e-mail addresses as well as telephone and fax numbers.

10) Tables, figures and plates should not be inserted within the pages of the manuscript but should be submitted on separate sheets attached to the article.

11) Photographs should be high-contrast black and white glossy prints.

12) The desired position in the text for each table, figure and plate should be indicated in the margin of the manuscript. All captions for figures and plates (including sources and acknowledgements) should be listed on a separate sheet.

13) If the author is named in the text, cite by year of publication: Shine(1996) has suggested...

14) If the author is not named in the text, cite by last name, comma, and year of publication: It has been noted(Park, 2005) that...

15) Pagination, if necessary, should follow the year of publication, separated by colon: It was argued(Browning, 2002: 271-273) that...

16) If an author has multiple references for any single publication year, indicate specific works by using lower case letters: Proponents of the position(Holsti, 1992a: 46; Frank, 1998b) and many...




National Information Society Agency

Department of ICT Policy

Policy Planning Team


Tel) 053-230-1202

e-mail) journal@nia.or.kr