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2014, Vol.22, No.3

Corpus-based Study on Gender Differences in the Functions of English Tag Questions
김혜숙 | 2014, 22(3) | pp.1~23 | number of Cited : 2
They make me feel guilty”: An analysis of some pragmatic effects of Korean college students’ e-mail messages in English about their grades
Seohyun Paik | 2014, 22(3) | pp.25~57 | number of Cited : 1
Pulling off Being Both Adversarial and Neutralistic: The case of Korean News Interview
Kyung-Hee Suh | 2014, 22(3) | pp.59~87 | number of Cited : 6
World Englishes research in Korea, China, and Japan: A meta-analysis of articles published in World Englishes and English Today
Shim, Young-Sook | 2014, 22(3) | pp.89~113 | number of Cited : 4
A Proposal of a Resolution Method on the Confusion of Word Spacing in the Current Korean Orthography
Yang Young Hee | 2014, 22(3) | pp.115~133 | number of Cited : 1
A Study of the Complaint Speech Act by Chinese Office Workers in Korea: With Focus on High-Level Strategies
유양 , Yang, Myunghee , Grace Ge-Soon Moon | 2014, 22(3) | pp.135~154 | number of Cited : 3
A Study of College Students' Malpractice in Korean Orthography: a Follow-up Study with a Special Emphasis on the Influence of Chatting Language
Jinseong Lee | 2014, 22(3) | pp.155~179 | number of Cited : 2
A Sociolinguistic Study of Languages in the Medical Community
Hye Young Jeon | 2014, 22(3) | pp.181~200 | number of Cited : 7
Linguistic anomalies in the use of English in Korean TV commercials
Hye-ryeong Hahn | 2014, 22(3) | pp.201~226 | number of Cited : 2
The Principal of the WOORIMAL DORO CHATGI (Recovery of the Korean Language)
Heo Jae-young | 2014, 22(3) | pp.227~244 | number of Cited : 4