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Aims & Scope more

The Association of Korean Geographers (AKG) was established on June 18, 2011 for the following purposes:  First, the AKG aims to be a pure and true geographic society with no political purpose.  Second, the AKG seeks to pursue a democratic society where members are not excluded or restricted in participation, and possess a sense of ownership.  Third, the AKG seeks openness, practicality, and popularity so that geography can contribute to various problems in our society.  Fourth, the AKG proposes and implements a new paradigm for diverse and excelling academic demands in the field of geography. In other words, it comprehensively presents various topics in the field of geography, and aims to pursue research and education for the development of world-class geography. To achieve this goal, we are carrying out the following key activities.  1. Presenting a new paradigm of geography in Korea  2. Popularization of geography that can meet the demands of the times  3. Proposal of various national policy alternatives based on geography such as regional and urban development and environmental policy  4. Presentation of social issues and agendas related to place-region-space that will lead the future society  5. Specialization of research and development of textbooks related to geography and geography education at the elementary, middle, high school and university level  6. Reinforcing the connection between academic geography and school geography and building networks

Editor-in-Chief more

Jeongyeop Shin

(Department of Geography Education, College of Education, Seoul National University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 1.35
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 1.04
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 1.265
  • Immediacy Index : 0.2368

Current Issue : 2020, Vol.9, No.3 more

Characteristics and Implications of Geography Curriculum in Ontario, Canada: An Approach from the Competency-based Perspective
Kim, Minsung | 2020, 9(3) | pp.441~456 | number of Cited : 7
Politics of Representation over Yaodong (Cave-dwelling) in Loess Plateau, China
Han Jieun | 2020, 9(3) | pp.457~473 | number of Cited : 4
Ontological Dualism in a Feng-shui Landscape: Four Collective Ancestors’ Tombs of Darsil Village
SONG WONSEOB | 2020, 9(3) | pp.475~490 | number of Cited : 2

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