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Suggestion for the Optimum Operating Methods of Rainfall Simulator through the Analysis of Raindrop’s Characteristics

  • Journal of the Association of Korean Geographers
  • Abbr : JAKG
  • 2016, 5(1), pp.51-60
  • Publisher : Association of Korean Geographers
  • Research Area : Social Science > Geography

Kim Jin Kwan 1 강재원 2 Jung, Kwansue ORD ID 3 최훈 1 Min Seok Kim 3

2충남대학교 국제수자원연구소



The characteristics of rainfall simulator are so important for the laboratory experiment of landslide and sediment runoff. To analyze the characteristics of the newly designed rainfall simulator and decide its optimum operating methods, we measured the rainfall intensity and the kinetic energy of raindrops with three cases; Case I: different nozzle combinations and different input currents, Case II: only different nozzle combinations, and Case III: only different nozzle sizes. On the base of the measuring results, we suggested two optimum conditions (condition 1 and 2) for the artificial rain simulation. Although there was large difference between the characteristics of natural rainfall and those of simulated rainfall, the kinetic energy distribution of newly designed rainfall simulator was similar to those of many previous studies. However, the new design of rainfall simulator having the characteristics of natural rainfall will be needed for further detailed laboratory study reflecting the natural conditions.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.