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The Aspect of Woman with Experience of Maternal Loss- Focused on 「Thailand」and 「Drive․My․Car」of Murakami Haruki -

Youmee Park 1




The Aspect of Woman with Experience of Maternal Loss - Focused on 「Thailand」and 「Drive․My․Car」of Murakami Haruki - Park, You-Mee I analyzed the formative features of the characters in the Murakami Haruki short story 「Thailand」and 「Drive․My․Car」. Both stories are organized in a similar pattern and had women who lost their children, which is uncommon in Haruki's novels. Satsuki in 「Thailand」has the distorted thinking between maternalism and feminity because of the experience of abortion in the past. In 「Drive․My․Car」, the death of Kafuku's daughter from a congenital disease made his wife constrain her life as a woman and give up herself as mother. Whether it was willful or against her will, women who had lost their maternalism started to have distorted thoughts of maternalism and feminity while they obsessed about their feminity. The characters that lead the main characters in the way of healing are described as the characters who varied from the social norm and have both male and female tendencies. Therefore, they perform as the advisors role with their unbiased and balanced thought.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.