author={권오원 and 김배수 and 이지원 and 신승원 and Eui Ju Lee},
title={The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang},
journal={Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine},
AU - 권오원
AU - 김배수
AU - 이지원
AU - 신승원
AU - Eui Ju Lee
TI - The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang
JO - Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
PY - 2016
VL - 28
IS - 2
PB - The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
SP - 103
EP - 109
SN - 1226-4075
AB - Objectives This paper investigates the origin, the progressive changes and the constructive principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja- tang(猪苓車前子湯).
Methods Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang and other related prescriptions were analyzed in terms of their pathological indications, based on previous literature including 『Sanghannon(傷寒論)』, 『Keumkuaeyoryak(金匱要略)』, 『Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)』, 『DonguisusebowonㆍSasangchobongwon(東醫壽世保元ㆍ四象草本卷)』, 『DonguisusebowonㆍGabogubon (東醫壽世保元ㆍ甲午舊本)』, 『DonguisusebowonㆍSinchukbon(東醫壽世保元ㆍ辛丑本)』 Results and Conclusions 1)The origin of Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang is discovered in the prescriptions for Lee-su(利水), that is, Jeoryoung-tang(猪苓湯).
2)Ohryoung-san(五苓散) introduced in 『DonguisusebowonㆍSasangchobongwon(東醫壽世保元ㆍ四象草本卷)』 progressively transformed into Shihosaryoung-san(柴胡四苓散)(『DonguisusebowonㆍGabogubon(東醫壽世保元ㆍ甲午舊本)』) and ultimately into Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang(『DonguisusebowonㆍSinchukbon(東醫壽世保元ㆍ辛丑本)』), a prescription appropriate for usage in the Mangeum symptomatology(亡陰證).
3)The Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang is composed of 10 herbs. Of these, Notopterygium incisum Ting(羌活), Aralia cordata Thunb.(獨活), Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.(荊芥), Saposhnikovia divaricata Schischk.(防風) make the Pyoeum(表陰) drop, and Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge.(知母), Gypsum fibrosum(石膏) scatter the uihwa(胃火), and Poria cocos Wolf.(茯苓), Alisma canaliculatum(澤瀉), Polyporus umbellatus Fr.(猪苓), Plantago asiatica L.(車前子) facilitate urination.
KW - Jeoryoungchajeonja-tang;Origin;Change;Composition
DO - 10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
ER -
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원 and Eui Ju Lee. (2016). The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, 28(2), 103-109.
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원 and Eui Ju Lee. 2016, "The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang", Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, vol.28, no.2 pp.103-109. Available from: doi:10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원, Eui Ju Lee "The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 28.2 pp.103-109 (2016) : 103.
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원, Eui Ju Lee. The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang. 2016; 28(2), 103-109. Available from: doi:10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원 and Eui Ju Lee. "The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 28, no.2 (2016) : 103-109.doi: 10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원; 김배수; 이지원; 신승원; Eui Ju Lee. The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, 28(2), 103-109. doi: 10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원; 김배수; 이지원; 신승원; Eui Ju Lee. The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine. 2016; 28(2) 103-109. doi: 10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원, Eui Ju Lee. The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang. 2016; 28(2), 103-109. Available from: doi:10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103
권오원, 김배수, 이지원, 신승원 and Eui Ju Lee. "The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 28, no.2 (2016) : 103-109.doi: 10.7730/JSCM.2016.28.2.103