This study sheds light on the metacognition of Korean language(as a foreign language) teachers. Metacognition refers to the awareness of one’s knowledge and thought processes, as well as the regulation of these processes.
Metacognition is mainly related to planning, monitoring (or inspecting), regulating, and evaluating one’s learning ability.
This study introduces the concept of “metacognitive teaching competency,” which allows teachers to make positive changes by examining their teaching activities in the pre-teaching, while-teaching, and post-teaching stages.
The following are suggestions for improving the metacognitive teaching competencies of Korean language teachers.
First, “Self-reflective Teaching” subject should be created as a course in the Korean language education major.
Second, the National Institute of Korean Language should provide “a training program to improve metacognitive teaching competencies” that includes sharing lectures, observing lessons, and moak class.
Third, Korean language training institutions should provide mentoring for new and experienced teachers. Accordingly, the mentor and mentee would watch videos of the mentee in class.
Fourth, teachers can activate their metacognitive teaching competencies by using a self-monitoring checklist covering items to monitor in each stage of class, or by collecting feedback from students.