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A Study on Recognition Type of Service employees for Nonverbal communication of Fine Dining Restaurant -Focused on Service Encounter Design

  • Journal of Communication Design
  • Abbr : JCD
  • 2018, 65(), pp.509-528
  • DOI : 10.25111/jcd.2018.65.39
  • Publisher : CDAK Society of Communication Design
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Design > Visual Information Design > Information Design
  • Received : July 22, 2018
  • Accepted : October 29, 2018

Sung Min Cho 1

1경기대학교 일반대학원 외식조리관리 박사과정



The fine dining restaurant, which is representative premium food service industry in food service industry with high human services dependency, has the most human services importance. To develop high quality human service, I have seen the situation about nonverbal communication of fine dining restaurant’s service employees and customer in service employees perspective, and have analyzed as subjectivity researcher Q method to show how it is recognized as service quality. As a analysis result, it was shown as 5 types as below; Type 1 : Sincere service pursuing type. Type 2 : Mood considering type. Type 3 : Professional appearance orientation. Type 4 : Trust oriented type. Type 5 : Visual. Attitude driven type. It was shown that as of service employees, the nonverbal communication recognition type have shown differently according to the quality value of pursuing service. Therefor, based on these results, we can improve human service quality considering the tendency of service workers and can construct a human service of design concept.

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