This thesis helps understand viewing motivation factors of undergraduates who watch a Vlog on YouTube, and suggests effects of viewing motivation about viewing satisfaction, viewing flow, and persistent viewing intention. Also, in relation of viewing motivation and persistent viewing intention, It has a purpose to reveal their relationship on viewing flow and viewing satisfaction Empirically do roles as intermediation. For that, we did a questionnaire on the Internet from 14 Aug 2019 to 14 Sep 2019 and analyzed the data of 332 papers were used to an analysis of result except some papers written by unfaithful people and someone who haven't ever watched YouTube.
First of all, the analysis results show that viewing motivation of watching a Vlog on YouTube was divided into 4 factors such as loneliness alleviation, mediated voyeurism, killing time, and entertainment motivation. Second, It is represented that loneliness alleviation by watching a Vlog on YouTube has a positive effect to viewing flow, but It doesn’t have positive effect to viewing satisfaction and persistent viewing intention. Third, It is shown that mediated voyeurism by watching a Vlog on YouTube has a positive effect to viewing flow, viewing satisfaction, and persistent viewing intention. Forth, It is presented that killing time has a negative effect to viewing flow, and viewing satisfaction and persistent viewing intention don’t have any effect to killing time motivation. Fifth, It is signified that entertainment motivation by watching a Vlog on YouTube has a positive effect to viewing flow, viewing satisfaction, and persistent viewing intention. Sixth, viewing flow have a partial mediation about a relationship of mediated voyeurism, entertainment motivation, and persistent viewing intention. Finally, viewing satisfaction have a perfect mediation about a relationship of mediated voyeurism, entertainment motivation, and persistent viewing intention. In other words, mediated voyeurism and entertainment motivation doesn’t have any direct effect to viewrs’ satisfaction, if it doesn’t have an mediated effect of viewing satisfaction.
Like this results, the research of viewers who watch a Vlog on YouTube has a further significance. Because, there is scarce information about watching a Vlog on YouTube and precedented research was rarely conducted. Based on receiver’s Uses and Gratifications theory, It has a significance, because this research empirically validities a hypothesis and widens widths of a study. Also, this research has a significance, because ‘mediated voyeurism’was added which couldn’t be grasped by studying viewing motivation of traditional/new media.