This dissertation analyzed the relation among YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator attributes, viewing attitude(pleasure, curiosity, flow in viewing) & intention to pay cyber money. To this end, questions papers were distributed to those viewing song genre broadcast out of YY Live online one-person song broadcast for 12 days from December 3 to 14, 2018. Then, 319 sets of error free questions papers were used for analysis. According to analysis First, YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator attributes are found to be ‘attraction factor’, ‘affinity factor’, ‘reliability factor’, ‘playfulness factor’ & ‘expertise factor’. Second, although attraction factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influences pleasure factor, the viewing attitude of viewer, it does not significantly influence curiosity factor. Third, although affinity factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influences pleasure factor, the viewing attitude of viewer, it does not significantly influence curiosity factor. Fourth, reliability factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influences both pleasure factor & curiosity factor, the viewing attitude of viewer. Fifth, although playfulness factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influences pleasure factor, the viewing attitude of viewer, it does not significantly influence curiosity factor. Sixth, expertise factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influences both pleasure factor & curiosity factor, the viewing attitude of viewer. Seventh, although attraction factor, reliability factor, playfulness factor of YY Live online one-person song broadcast Creator significantly influence viewing flow factor, they do not significantly influence affinity factor & expertise factor. Eighth, although curiosity factor, the viewing attitude of YY Live online one-person song broadcast viewer significantly influences viewing flow factor, it does not significantly influence pleasure factor. Ninth, although pleasure factor & curiosity factor, the viewing attitude of YY Live online one-person song broadcast viewer significantly influences factor of intention to pay cyber money, it does not significantly influence flow factor.