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2014, Vol.10, No.7

Rent‐seeking Analysis of Budgetary Support System in Disaster Management - Focusing on the Process of Declaring Special Disaster District -
JuHo Lee | 2014, 10(7) | pp.1~20 | number of Cited : 2
Policy Suggestions for Disaster Response Activities by the Police Disaster Management Rules
HoDae Cho | 2014, 10(7) | pp.21~32 | number of Cited : 12
Deduction of Social Risk Issues Using Text Mining
Jin Young, Won , 김대곤 | 2014, 10(7) | pp.33~52 | number of Cited : 35
A Study on the Disability-Inclusive Development Cooperation Strategy of Official Development Assistance(ODA)
KIM SOUNG WAN , LEE KWANG WON | 2014, 10(7) | pp.53~73 | number of Cited : 4
Study of Social Economy's support Corresponding to the Local Economy Crisis - Focus on the Intermediary Organization of Social Economy -
Kim, Hak-sil | 2014, 10(7) | pp.75~97 | number of Cited : 27
Curriculums Issues to Improve the Disaster Management Education and Training Systems - Focused on AHP Analysis of National Fire Service Academy -
JuHo Lee , Ryu Sang Il | 2014, 10(7) | pp.99~117 | number of Cited : 11
A Study on Early Childhood Teachers' Perception of Child Rights in Early Childhood
Koo Meehyang , 황소영 | 2014, 10(7) | pp.119~137 | number of Cited : 27
Investigation of Flood Stage on the Upstream Waterfront Area in Floodplain Depending on the Operation Rule of the Nakdong River Estuary Barrage
안상도 | 2014, 10(7) | pp.139~148 | number of Cited : 2
Simulation of Debris Flow Considering Erosion and Sedimentation
SungDuk Kim , Lee, Ho-Jin | 2014, 10(7) | pp.149~159 | number of Cited : 7
A Direction of Planning Public Space in Specialized High School
전희성 , Lee Kum Jin | 2014, 10(7) | pp.161~182 | number of Cited : 0
The Utilization of Research Organizations for Ensuring Maritime Safety
조민상 , HyunBin Jo | 2014, 10(7) | pp.183~204 | number of Cited : 2