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2016, Vol.12, No.7

The Rethinking of Disaster and Safety Management System to Hurricane Katrina in USA - Focused on the Improvement of the Legal System and Organization for the Disaster Management -
Kyung Sik Choi , Bae Jeong-Hwan , JuHo Lee | 2016, 12(7) | pp.1~13 | number of Cited : 5
Countermeasures on Safety Management of Decrepit Reservoir Based on the Comparative Analysis for Its Collapse Accidents
송영갑 , Younguk Kim , Kyoungjun Kim and 1 other persons | 2016, 12(7) | pp.15~23 | number of Cited : 4
Improvement on Handling System of Spilled Chemical from Hazardous Chemical Storage Tanks
신창현 , Park, Jai-hak | 2016, 12(7) | pp.25~35 | number of Cited : 4
Fire-fighting History of Korea and Developmental Direction
Jin Chae | 2016, 12(7) | pp.37~52 | number of Cited : 4
Analyzing the Urban Socio - economic Factors that Affect the Damage Causes and the Consequences Before and After the Flood - Focused on 25 Autonomous Districts in Seoul City -
윤중석 , Yu Mi Kim , Yim, KwangHyun and 2 other persons | 2016, 12(7) | pp.53~62 | number of Cited : 1
The Effects of APL Application Strategy Program on the Interpersonal Relations, Communication, Adaptability of Maladjusted Soldiers
Lee, Jung-won | 2016, 12(7) | pp.63~75 | number of Cited : 2
Development of the Consumers’ Risk Information Acceptance and Reaction Measurement According to Risk Communication Types
Song Eugene , Yoo Hyun-jung | 2016, 12(7) | pp.77~92 | number of Cited : 2
Study on Engagement of Youth at Risk Using Experience Sampling Method
sonjinhee | 2016, 12(7) | pp.93~110 | number of Cited : 2
The Study on Separated and Integrated Operation Structure of Local Institutes - Focused on Crisis Management in Separation Request of Daegu Gyeongbuk Development Institute -
Kim, Tae Woon | 2016, 12(7) | pp.111~130 | number of Cited : 1
Veridication on Golden Time of Cardiac Arrest - Focusing Seoul -
원종석 , Dae-Yoo Go | 2016, 12(7) | pp.131~148 | number of Cited : 1