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2016, Vol.12, No.11

An Empirical Study on Individualization and Causal Structure of Risk with Politics and Foreign Relations
Kim Sang Don | 2016, 12(11) | pp.1~18 | number of Cited : 1
Development and Performance Evaluation of Environmentally Safe Foam Agents for Wildfire
Kim Sung Yong , Heeyoung Ahn , Won Ho Cho and 3 other persons | 2016, 12(11) | pp.19~26 | number of Cited : 1
The Effect of the Changes in Wind Velocity and Slope on Forest Fire Behavior in Pinus densiflora Stands
Kim Sung Yong , Heeyoung Ahn , Chun Geun Kwon and 1 other persons | 2016, 12(11) | pp.27~36 | number of Cited : 2
Issues and Development Direction of Disaster Safety Education for Disaster Vulnerable Groups - Focusing on Multicultural Family -
JuHo Lee | 2016, 12(11) | pp.37~50 | number of Cited : 17
The Relationship between Spatial Patterns of Forest Distribution and Forest Fire Characteristics in the Regional Administrative Unit in Korea
LEE BYUNG DOO , Jungeun Song | 2016, 12(11) | pp.51~61 | number of Cited : 1
Development of the Non-revenue Water Analysis Equation through the Statistical Analysis of Main Parameter in Waterworks System in Incheon City
Hyoung Geun Jo , Choi Gye Woon , Jang, Dong Woo | 2016, 12(11) | pp.63~75 | number of Cited : 2
A Method of Evaluating and Controlling Corrosion Rate for Prevention of Water Quality Problems in Multiple Water Source
Sung Hoon Shin , Jung Jongtai | 2016, 12(11) | pp.77~84 | number of Cited : 0
Predicting Disaster Vulnerability in Gangwon Province Using the Disaster Risk Index Based on RCP 8.5 Climate Change Scenarios
Dae Ju Hwang , Suk Ho Lee , 김문모 and 1 other persons | 2016, 12(11) | pp.85~97 | number of Cited : 4
The Need Analysis on Outplacement Competency of Discharged Soldiers
Jeom Seok Kim , Park Hyo Sun | 2016, 12(11) | pp.99~114 | number of Cited : 2
Resilience of Urban Communities in the Risk Society
RHO JIN-CHUL | 2016, 12(11) | pp.115~128 | number of Cited : 5
An Exploratory Study on the Subsidy for Fire Safety and Disaster Prevention Budget
Chang Jae Kwak , Sangkyu Rheem | 2016, 12(11) | pp.129~142 | number of Cited : 3
An Exploratory Study on the Roles of the National and Local Assembly - A Governance Perspective on National Projects in Korea -
Hyoung Sung Kim , JEONG BIN YIM | 2016, 12(11) | pp.143~160 | number of Cited : 0