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2015, Vol.21, No.2

The Translated Acceptance of Japanese Literature and Publication of Literary Anthologies in the 1960s - Focusing on the Anthology of Postwar Japanese Literature
Jongho Lee | 2015, 21(2) | pp.7~38 | number of Cited : 9
The Receptiveness and Characteristics of Japanese Novel “Daemang (Tokugawa Ieyasu)”
Lee Han Jung | 2015, 21(2) | pp.39~83 | number of Cited : 2
The Relationality between South Korean Erotic Films and Japanese Adult Films - the Production Conventions of Theatrically Released Adult Films of the 1970s and 1980s in the Two Nations, Considering the Case of Madame Aema
Yun-Jong Lee | 2015, 21(2) | pp.81~117 | number of Cited : 9
Sex tour industry and ‘Gisaeng’ in Korea in 1970, 80’s
Kwon Changgyu | 2015, 21(2) | pp.119~147 | number of Cited : 10
Korean Popculture & Romance in the Korean Popular Novel of the 1950s from the Viewpoint of Date Place
KANG, OKHEE | 2015, 21(2) | pp.151~185 | number of Cited : 1
College Girls in the Movie <Winter Woman> and Emotion Structure of Korean Society in 1970s
Kang Yu-jung | 2015, 21(2) | pp.187~217 | number of Cited : 11
Female Labourers as stereotyped images in Labour novels in the 70’s
Kim, Kyung Min | 2015, 21(2) | pp.217~248 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on the popular magazine “YADAM (historical tale)” in 1950s-1960s
Byounggill Kim | 2015, 21(2) | pp.249~288 | number of Cited : 3
Sound Politics of Radio TBS eFM - The Concepts of Globalization and Multiculturalism in Korea
김수진 | 2015, 21(2) | pp.287~315 | number of Cited : 6
The Study on the Change of World-consciousness and its Novelistic Reproduction Aspects appeared in <Jekuk Sinmun (The Journal of Empire)>
HyunJu Kim | 2015, 21(2) | pp.315~349 | number of Cited : 6
The Tragedy of Banality - A study on the appropriated melodrama in Yeom Sang-sub’s popular novel
배준 | 2015, 21(2) | pp.349~387 | number of Cited : 1
Narrative and Music of Musical “Oh! While You Were Sleeping” - Focusing on Reversal Technique of Concealment and Bias
Sa-Bin Shin , 이우창 | 2015, 21(2) | pp.387~416 | number of Cited : 0
1960s Visual Text on Overpassing a Frontier ‘The Old Man Gobau’
YEONYUNHUI | 2015, 21(2) | pp.417~450 | number of Cited : 2
A Sense of Anti-Communism and The politics of ‘Buron(不穩)’ - A Study on How to Read the Anti-Communism Film under the Park’s Regime
Yu Seungjin | 2015, 21(2) | pp.451~487 | number of Cited : 8