Anarchism and Bolshevism became mainstream in Chosun’s acceptance of communism, and they exhibited mutually combined aspects. This is a Northeast Asian phenomenon. At the beginning of the establishment of the Russian Bolshevik government, there existed an Anarcho-Bolshevik among Russians. And before the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is already established that anarchism has had a profound effect on rudimentary Bolsheviks. The first Korean labor organizations, the Korean Workers’ Association(1920) and the New Life Publisher(新生活社, 1922) of Socialism , typically show the acceptance of the early anarchism and the movement of Anarcho-Bolshevism. In addition, the Chosun Labor Mutual Association focused on the subjective awareness of the workers and the education and cultural movement based on Anarchism. On the other hand, the New Life Publisher introduces anarchism, but it focuses on Bolshevism, giving a glimpse of the difference in focusing on the working class struggle. Also, Donghak(Cheondogyo) socialism should be noted in the acceptance of Joseon. At the time, Cheondogyo critically accepted Anarchism and Bolshevism based on the philosophy of Donghak. Representative Jung Gyu-Seon asserted socialism based on the spirit of social solidarity, and insisted that the future society would be impossible to realize a communist society unless it was a communist society based on true humanity and brotherhood. The true communist society is not a property owned, but a “cultural creation act” by the homodeus. And the ideal society of humanity cannot be built unless it is a fundamental spirit based on the “affection of human relations.”