In high school chinese character text book, there are a lot of statements regarding Chinese philology[漢語文字學] and its practical use of teaching and learning methods. Below are the practical use of Chinese philology[漢語文字學] reflected in teaching material.
First, it is a teaching and learning method that is linking[系聯] the chinese characters that share the same phonetic part[聲符]. For instance, one can teach and learn the chinese meaning-sound connected letter lak(格), lak(洛), lak(network : 絡) together as they have each(各 : gak) as their phonetic part[聲符]. This makes it easier to learn chinese character’s shape[形] and sound[音].
Second, it is a teaching and learning method that is linking[系聯] the chinese characters that have many different meanings. This is common chinese character[漢字], chinese character language[漢字語] teaching and learning method that is often seen in chinese character text book. For example, the meaning of ‘stopper[塞 : sek]’ can be changed regarding its usage; old man’s horse[塞翁之馬. frontier : 塞(se)], fortress[要塞. fortress : 塞(se)], cutting off the root[拔本塞源. stop : 塞(sek)].
Third, one can teach and learn by analysing the structure of chinese character or combining its part[部件]. For instance, learner can analogize the meaning of ‘palm’ by analysing the structure of palm[掌 : jang] in to ‘hand[手 : soo. indicating the meaning] + yet[尙 : sang. indicating the sound]’. In other way, one can learn chinese character intestinal[腸 : jang], poplar[楊 : yang], smooth[暢 : chang], soup[湯 : tang] by presenting part[部件] shine[昜 : yang] and combining it with ‘moon[月], tree[木], open[申], water[水]’.
Fourth, it is a teaching and learning method that is linking[系聯] the chinese characters that have the same radical. For example, one can teach and learn kang(鋼), kuang(鑛), swue(鎖), chong(銃) together as they have the same radical. This has an advantage in learning chinese character’s meaning[義] and shape[形].
Fifth, it is a teaching and learning method that is linking[系聯] the chinese characters that have similar shape or meaning. For instance, one can teach and learn ‘ahm[(險), kum(檢)’ together as they have similar shape and ‘year[年 : nyun], year[歲 : se]’ together as they have same meaning. This has an advantage in learning chinese character’s shape[形] and meaning[義].
Presenting the meaning of chinese character can be inadequate in translating a sentence. The meaning of 薄(bak) in 薄集(bakjyb) is presented as ‘gather’, however ‘concentrated’ is the precise meaning. 都(do) is presented as ‘beautiful’ in ‘我國本聖人之都(agukbonsengynjido)’, however ‘country’ is the correct meaning. ‘襲(syeb)’ is presented as ‘descend’ in 世襲(sesyeb), however ‘inherit’ is the correct meaning.