Analyzing newspaper articles and television news transcripts, this study attempts to understand how the Korean news media have presented GM foods. In particular, the currnet study examined how news media have selected organizing theme, issue attributes, and story tone in presenting the issue. We also explore the notion of frame building, looking at factors that may affect the way news media present GM foods. Findings indicate that GM foods have been presented largely as a policy issue in Korea. Findings also show that liberal newspapers are more likely to talk about how to regulate the use of GM foods, while conservative newspapers are more likely to focus on economic prospects. In addition, it was found that conservative newspapers more frequently mention the reasons to support GM foods. These findings demonstrate that such frame building factors as political views of news organizations (e.g., conservative vs. liberal ideology) can influence the news media(e.g., conservative vs. liberal ideology) can ented largely as a policy issue in Korea. Findings also show that liberal newspapers are more likely to talk about how to regulate thentribute to the literature of framing by applying the three framing demensions originally developed in the United States to the context of South Korea.