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2023, Vol.29, No.1

The Field Investigation of Optical Shop Entrance Facilities for the Mobility Impairment from the Universal Design - Focused on Seoul Metropolitan City
YU SamYoung , Sehee Lee , Han, Jinyong and 2 other persons | 2023, 29(1) | pp.7~19 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Improvement Effect of Hospital Digital Signage for Room Spaces - Applying the Evidence-Based Design(EBD) Process
Kwon, Youngmi , Seung Ji Lee | 2023, 29(1) | pp.21~28 | number of Cited : 0
A Daylighting Design Indicator for Korean Dementia Nursing Homes Based on the Therapeutic Effects of Light - Focusing on maximizing daylight availability, optimizing therapeutic views, and minimizing glare
Jee, Soo In | 2023, 29(1) | pp.29~42 | number of Cited : 0
Investigations on the emergency operation status of existing medical facilities to prepare for emerging infectious diseases in the post-COVID-19 era
LEE Sejin , LEE WON SEOK , Kim, Eunseok and 1 other persons | 2023, 29(1) | pp.43~51 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Ward Design Guideline Abroad for Architectural Planning of Acute Psychiatric Ward
Jee, Soo In , Park,Kyeong Hyeon , Chai, Choul Gyun | 2023, 29(1) | pp.53~62 | number of Cited : 2