/ 1954
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/ KMAG Peace& War, Entry
/ 1950
/ ColonelWrighttoLtColMcPhail,sub:LetterofInstructions, RG 338,KMAG, Adjutant General, Decimal File,1948~53,Box7
/ 1949
/ Office of the Chief, KMAG, Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending 31 December 1949, RG 554, Entry No. A-11355,Box 29;"KMAG Relationship with FEC",Orientation Folder(OFldr),sec.Ⅰ
/ 1953
/ Early History of the Korean War 1950 by Lieutenant Colonel Rollings S. Emmerich, in RG 319, Entry No. 181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace& War
/ 1953
/ GeorgeI . Back to Sawyer, in RG 319, Entry No.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace& War
/ 1949
/ Interview, Col. W. H. Steling Wright, in RG 319,Entry No.181,Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ 1953
/ James S.Gallag her to Robert K. Sawyer, in RG 319,EntryNo.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace& War
/ KMAG, Historical Data, G-1Section, TAB E: G-1Activities, in RG 554, Entry No. A-11355, Box 29
/ 1954
/ Lloyd H. Rock well to Lt Col, Roy E, Appleman, in RG 319, Entry No.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace& War
/ 1950
/ Memorandum for General Collins, sub : Invasion of South Korea, in RG 319, Entry No. 2, Army Chief of Staff 1950 Decimal Files-Korea
/ 1950
/ Memorandum from R. L. Butt Jr. to all KA Advisors, KMAG, in RG 338,KMAG, AG, Decimal File
/ 1950
/ Messagefrom the Chief of KMAG to DEPTAR, in RG 319,Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3,Operations Records Section, March 1950~51,091 Korea, Box 121
/ 1951
/ Ray B. May to Robert K. Sawyer, in RG 319,Entry No.181,Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace & War
/ 1954
/ Ray B. May to Sawyer"(1954.2.11.), RG 319, Entry No.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace & War
/ Sequence of Events, 0430 25 June 1950-1200 28 June 1950, in RG 319, Entry No. 181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace & War
/ 1950
/ Sequence of Events, 043025 June 1950-120028 June 1950, in RG 319, Entry No.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv
/ KMAG Peace& War
/ 1949
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/ 1950
/ To DEPTAR From CINCFE, in RG 330, Entry No. 208
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/ 1990
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/ Princeton University Press
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/ Information Brochure: United States Military Advisory Group and RepublicofKorea Army,12March 1953,RG 550,Records of HQ,U.S. Army, Pacific Military Historian's Office, OrganizationalHistoryFiles,KMAG to History of the Korean War, Box 44
/ Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending 31 December 1949, RG 319,Entry No.154,Box162
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/ 1990
/ 미합 동참모본부사 : 한국전쟁(상)
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/ 1950
/ Semi-Annual Report, Period 1 Jan 1950-30 June 1950, RG 554, Entry No. A-11355, KMAG 8202 nd Army Unit AG Section, Semi Annual Historical Report, 1 July 1949 to 30 June 1950, Box 29
/ 1950
/ Office of the Chief, KMAG, Semi-Annual Report, Period1Jan 1950-30June1950, Annex No.ⅩⅢ, RG 554, Entry No. A-11355,Box29
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/ 1950
/ Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending 31 December 1949, Annex No.Ⅱ; Semi-Annual Report, Period 1 Jan 1950-30 June 1950, Annex No.Ⅱ, RG 554, Entry No.A-11355,Box29
/ RG 319, Entry No.181, Office of the Chief of Military History BKGD-Military Adv. Korea: KMAG Peace& War,CorrespondencetoSupportingDocuments,Box 2
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