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The Comparative Study on the tactics of pre-modern Japan and Korea in 16~17th Century

Roh Young-Koo 1




This paper is focused on the comparative study on the changes of tacticsinpre-Modern(近世)KoreaandJapan. Changesin thetacticsofpre-modern Japan wasgenerallyknown tobe caused by the introduction ofmuskets,butbasically the emergence of Ashigaru(足輕) to the increasing importance of infantry battle was importantphenomenon.Increased importance ofinfantry in battles and musket(鳥銃) which were introduced in the Japanese military system affectedquitea few tactics.AftertheImjin warconfirmed theimportance themuskets.Therewasa fundamentalchangein military institutionsin Japan. This 17th-century Japanese military Manual(兵書) and military organizationscanbefoundtoconfirm thechange. Triggered by Imjin War and three wars with Qing China, Joseon accelerated the change on tactics.The occasion ofImjin war,Joseon's infantrytacticswereswitchedtotheZhejiangsystemsreplacingcavalryto infantrysoldiers.Untilthefirsthalfofthe17th century,through avariety ofBranch ofthe army, Joseon was to prepare for the attack ofthe Juchen.In addition to Musketeer, Archer(射手) and cavalry force(騎兵)werefostered.However,sincethemid-17th century,particularlyafter the manchuriainvasion,itwasprovedthatmusketswereeffectivein deterring the attack by the cavalry forces.Thus Joseon ‘s military systems were changedtomusket-centeredsystems.Therefore,thenumberofarcherswas drasticallyreduced. Sincethesecondhalfofthe17thcentury,thethreatsfrom thecontinent and the sea influenced greatly the strategy ofKorea and Japan. The differences in the strategies of the two countries were caused by the differencesintheirhistoricalexperiencessincethe17thcentury.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.