/ No.313, O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.6.24., Inclosure 2 in No.313, Memorandum by Mr. Drummond, 1894.6.15
Park Il-Keun
/ 1983
/ Anglo-American Chinese Diplomatic Materials Relating to Korea, 1887-1897
/ 부산대학교 중국문제연구소
/ 1894
/ No.405, O’Conor to Kimberley, Inclosure 2 in 405
: 240~242
고야쓰 노부쿠니
/ 2006
/ 민비암살이란 무엇인가
/ 역사학보
/ 1994
/ 청일전쟁의 재조명
/ 한림대학교 아시아문화연구소
: 195~
/ 『日本外交文書』 27-2, no.559
: 217~219
/ 2006
/ 한국근대사연구
S.C.M. Paine
/ 2003
/ The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1995
/ Cambridge University Press
: 114~
/ 1894
/ No.16, Cassini to Giers, 1894.6.10(22)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 494~495
/ 1894
/ No.19, Cassini to Giers, 1894.6.12.(24)
B.G. Waber
/ 1932
/ Russian Documents Relating to the Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895
/ Chinese Political and Social Science Review
: 496~
/ 1983
/ 국제관계를 통해 본 청일 개전의 동인과 경위
/ 역사학보
: 244~
/ No.31, Cassni to Giers
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 505~506
/ 1894
/ No.302, Paget(Tokyo) to Kimberley, 1894.7.8, Inclosure in No.302
: 134~136
/ 1894
/ Hitrovo to Giers, 1894.6.13(25), No.21
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.17, No.3
: 497~498
/ 1894
/ No.23, The Most Devoted Note of Giers, 1894.6.16.(28)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 498~499
/ 1894
/ No.15, Cassini to Giers, 1894.6.10.(22)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 493~494
/ 1894
/ No.165, Kimberley to Paget, 1894.7.25
: 74~
/ 1894
/ No.18, Sill to Gresham(Secretary of State), 1894.6.25, U.S. Foreign Relations of 1894, Appendix I
: 22~24
/ 1894
/ No.28, Hitrovo to Giers, 1894.6.19.(7.1)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 503~504
/ 1894
/ No.29, Hitorovo to Giers, 1894. 6.19(7.1)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 504~
/ 1894
/ No.21, Kimberley to Mr. Paget, 1894.6.28
: 13~
/ 1894
/ No.39, Hitrovo to Giers, 1894.6.24(7.6)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 509~510
/ 1894
/ No.40, Giers to Cassini, No.40, 1894.6.25.(7.7)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 510~
/ 1894
/ No.43, The Most Devoted Note of Giers, 1894.6.26(7.8)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 512~
/ 1894
/ No.48, Giers to Cassini, 1894.6.28.(7.10)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.3
: 514~
/ 1894
/ No.46, Kimberley to O’Conor, 1894.7.7
: 24~
/ 1894
/ Kimberley to Paget, 1894.7.7., No.47
: 24~
/ 1894
/ No.328. O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.7.5
: 172~
/ 1894
/ No.303, Paget to Kimberley, 1894.7.10
: 136~137
/ 1894
/ No.335, Kimberley to Paget, 1894.8.20
: 181~
/ 1934
/ No.50, Mohrenheim to Hanotaux, 1894. 6.29(7.11)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.4
: 632~633
Ge Fuping
/ 2015
/ France and the First Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895
/ Social Sciences in China
: 138~163
/ 1894
/ No.28, Mr.Gresham to Bayard(the United States’ Minister to Tokio), 1894.7.20
: 1027~1029
/ 1894
/ Foreign Office. 405-60, Paget to Kimberley, No.28
/ 1988
/ 蹇蹇錄
/ 명륜당
/ 1894
/ No.80, Kimberley to O’Conor, 1894.7.14
: 40~
/ 1894
/ Kimberley to O’Conor, 1894.7.16, No.96, No.97
: 49~
/ 1894
/ No.96, Kimberley to O’Conor, 1894.7.14
: 49~
/ 1894
/ F.O. 405-60, No.50, O’Conor to Kimberley
/ 1894
/ No.183, Kimberley to O'Conor, 1894.7.28
: 81~82
/ 1894
/ No.186, O'Conor to Kimberley, 1894.7.26
: 83~
/ 1894
/ No.290, Kimberley to O’Conor, 1894.8.1
: 126~127
/ No.295, Lascelles to Kimberley, Inclosure in No.295
: 129~130
/ 1894
/ No.63, Memorandum to the Emperor by Giers, 1894.7.6(18)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.4
: 640~641
/ 1894
/ Sir F.Lascelles to Kimberley, 1894.7.23
: 65~
/ 1894
/ No.169, O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.7.25
: 76~77
/ 1894
/ No.66, Note of Kapnist, 1894.7.7(18)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.4
: 643~644
/ 1894
/ No.248, Phipps to Kimberley, 1894.8.2
: 109~110
/ 1894
/ No.258, F.Lascelles(St. Petersburg) to Kimberley, 1894.7.30
: 113~114
/ 1894
/ No.70, Reding(Acting Consul at Shanghai) to Kapnist, 1894.7.10.(22)
/ KA, CSPSR, Vol.XVII, No.4
: 646~
/ 1894
/ No. 82, Kimberley to Paget, 1894.7.14
: 41~
/ 1894
/ 『日本外交文書』, 27-2, No.674
: 315~316
/ 1894
/ 『日本外交文書』, 27-2, No.676
: 317~
/ 1894
/ No.162, Paget to Kimberley, 1894.7.24
: 73~
/ 1894
/ No.134, Kimberley to Paget, 1894.7.22
: 62~63
/ 1894
/ No.135, Kimberley to Consul-General Hannen, 1894.7.22
: 63~
Ian Nish
/ 1996
/ 청일전쟁의 재조명
/ 한림대학교 아시아문화연구소
Sneh Mahazan
/ 2002
/ British Foreign Policy 1874-1914, The Role of India
/ Routeledge
: 113~
/ 1894
/ No.28, Mr.Gresham to Mr. Bayard, July 20, 1894
: 1027~1029
Cui Zhihai
/ 2015
/ The Unites States and the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895
/ Social Sciences in China
: 164~192
/ 1894
/ No.214, Inclosure in No.214, Vice-Admiral Sir E.Fremantle to Admiralty, 1894.8.1, Inclosure in No.214
: 96~97
/ 1894
/ No.225, Phipps to Kimberley, 1894.8.1
: 100~
/ 2006
/ 동아시아의 전쟁과 평화
/ 연세대 출판부
/ 1894
/ F.O. No.432, O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.8.2, Inclosure in No.432
: 281~282
/ 1894
/ No.105, O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.7.17
: 52~53
/ 1894
/ No.110.Kimberley to Paget, 1894.7.18
: 54~
/ 1894
/ No.496, Inclosure in No.496, 1894.8.23
: 353~355
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.135 Mr.O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.9.3, Inclosure 1 in No.135 Gardner to Mr. O’Conor, 1894.8.27
/ 1894
/ F.O. 405 Confidential 6605, Mr.O’Conor to the Earl of Kimberly, 1894.8.9., Inclosure 2 in No.3 Mr.Otori to his Colleagues
National Archives
/ 1894
/ Despatches from US Ministers to Japan, roll.64, no.133, Sill to Dun, Jul., 26, 1894, No.133, Dun to Gresham, Aug., 4, 1894
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.135 Mr.O’Conor to Kimberley, Sept., 3, 1894. Inclosure 4 in No.135. Precis of Treaty between Japan and Corea, Aug., 26, 1894
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605 No.130 Mr.O’Conor to Kimberley, Aug., 25, 1894, Inclosure 1 in No.130 Gardiner to Mr.O’Conor, Seoul, Aug., 17, 1894
Keith Neilson
/ 1994
/ ‘Britain, Russia and the Sino-Japanese War’, The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-5 in Its International Dimension
/ Suntory-Toyota International, Center for Economics and Related Disciplines, London School of Economics and Political Science
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, No.407, O’Conor to Kimberley, Oct., 15, 1894. Inclosure in No.407
/ Reuter’s Telegram
/ 1894
/ No.520, Trench(Tokyo) to Kimberley, 1894.9.1
: 371~
/ 1932
/ Krasny Arkchiv, T.3(52), Pervui Shagi Russokogo Imperializma na Dalnem Vostoke
: 62~67
/ 1894
/ F.O. No.420, O’Conor to Kimberley, Oct., 26, 1894, Inclosure 3 in No.420
Allen Fung
/ 1996
/ Testing the Self-Strengthening: The Chinese Army in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895
/ Modern Asian Studies
/ Cambridge University Press
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.330, Mr. Gosselin to Kimberley, Berlin
Ales Skrivan
/ 2015
/ Great Powers and the Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895
/ Prague Papers on the History of International Relations
: 22~
/ 1894
/ North China Herald, 1894.11.16
/ 2002
/ 명성황후시해의 진실을 밝힌다
/ 지식산업사
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, Inclosure in No.351
/ 1894
/ No. 455, Inclosure I in No.455, Consul-General Hillier(Seoul) to Kimberley, 1894.11.8. Inclosure 1 in No.455
: 454~456
/ 1894
/ F.O. 405, Confidential 6605, No.156, Mr.Trench to Kimberley, Tokio
/ 1894
/ F.O. 405. No.405, O’Conor to Kimberley
/ 1894
/ No.102, O’Conor to Kimberley, 1894.10.4
: 387~
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.158, Mr. Trench to Kimberley, Tokio
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.56. The Earl of Kimberley to Mr. Phipps(E.C.H), Oct., 6, 1894, No.58. Kimberley to Mr. O’Conor
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.266, Mr. Trench to Kimberley, Tokio
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, Confidential 6605, No.266, Mr. Gosselin to Kimberley, Berlin
/ 1894
/ Kimberley to Rosebery, 1894.11.8. Rosebery Papers 69
/ 1894
/ No.122, F.Lascelles to Kimberley, 1894.10.14
: 388~
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605 No.169, Mr. Gosselin to Kimberley, Berlin
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, No.389. 1894.1026. Inclosure in No.389
/ 1894
/ No.266, Trench(P.Le Poer) to Kimberley, 1894.10.11
: 415~416
/ 1894
/ No.102, O'Conor to Kimberley, 1894.10.10
: 387~
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605 No.146, Mr. O’Conor to Kimberley, Peking
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605, Mr.Phipps to Kimberley, Paris, No.91
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605 No.144, Sir E. Malet to Kimberley, Berlin
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605 No.148, Kimberley to O’Conor
/ 1894
/ No.176, Kimberley to Sir F. Lascelles
/ 1894
/ No.58, Gresham to Goshen(British Minister of the US), 1894.10.12
: 1057~
/ 1894
/ No.383, Goschen to Kimberley, 1894.11.12
: 432~
/ 1894
/ F.O.405 Confidential 6605 No.164, Sir F. Lascelles to Kimberley, St. Petersburgh
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, No.449, O’Conor to Kimberley, Nov., 4, 1894. Inclosure in No.449
/ 1894
/ F.O. 65/1474, Kimberley to Lascelles, telegram 91
/ 1894
/ No.69, Denby to Gresham, 1894.11.10
: 1063~1064
/ 1894
/ No. 73, Dun to Gresham,, 1894.11.17
: 1064~1066
/ 1894
/ No.77, Gresham to Denby, 1894.11.19
: 1066~
/ 1894
/ F.O.405, No.414, Sir Lascelles to Kimberley
/ 1895
/ No.85, F. Lascelles(St.Petersburg) to Kimberley, 1895.1.31, Inclosure in No.85, 1895.1.17(29)
: 479~
/ 1895
/ F.O.65/1494, Lascelles to Kimberley, telegram 5
Ian Nish
/ 1994
/ 'Japanese Diplomats and the Sino-Japanese War,' The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-5 in Its International Dimension
/ Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines
: 63~
/ 1895
/ F.O.65/1490, Kimberley to Lascelles, despatches 54A
/ 1895
/ F.O.65/1490, Kimberley to Lascelles, despatches 56
/ 1895
/ No.143, Kimberley to Lascelles, 1895.2.27
: 491~492
/ 1895
/ No.30, Lascelles to Kimberley, 1895.4.5
: 511~512