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2015, Vol.30, No.1

The Path to Institutionalization of Alliance in the Process of State Formation : A Comparative Study of ROK-US Alliance and DPRK-PRC Alliance
Hyukjin Cho | 2015, 30(1) | pp.5~32 | number of Cited : 2
The Three-Stage Model on the Peace Korean Peninsula in the perspective of Active Peace Strategy
Seong-Ryoul Cho | 2015, 30(1) | pp.33~69 | number of Cited : 10
Descriptive Features regarding North Korea and Unification in the High School KOREAN HISTORY Textbook : Focused on the Mutual Restriction of Consciousness about North Korean History, Unification Discussion, and the History of North-South Relations
Kim Ji Hyung | 2015, 30(1) | pp.71~102 | number of Cited : 4
Research of Green Détente and South-North Korea Cooperation Possibilities
Park So Young , 박경석 | 2015, 30(1) | pp.103~130 | number of Cited : 4
Fragmented Reflection on Integration of South-North Korean Social Welfare
Lee, Chul soo | 2015, 30(1) | pp.131~169 | number of Cited : 6
Stages of Genocide in the National Guidance Alliance Incident : A Study on the Extermination Process of Communist in South Korea
Taewoo Kim | 2015, 30(1) | pp.171~206 | number of Cited : 5
The Vision and Policy of Future Jeju : Focus on Jeju Free International City and Jeju Island of Eco-Peace
Gil-Hyun Yang | 2015, 30(1) | pp.207~240 | number of Cited : 1
Capitalism as a Disease : Governing Discourse on Anti-Capitalism of North Korea
HAN, Jae Heon | 2015, 30(1) | pp.241~272 | number of Cited : 3
Implication of Moranbong band’s “New Music Concert”
kang,Dong Wan , 문다혜 | 2015, 30(1) | pp.273~304 | number of Cited : 5