/ 2014
/ [Broadcast Information] Special Feature Do you know a slow learner? ‘Borderline Intelligence’ EBS Focus
/ EBS. (2014.12.15.)
Peltopuro, M.
/ 2014
/ Borderline intellectual functioning : A systematic literature review
/ Intellectual and developmental disabilities
: 419~443
American Psychiatric Association
/ 1994
/ Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV (Vol. 4)
/ American psychiatric association
American Psychiatric Association
/ 1995
/ Practice guideline for psychiatric evaluation of adults
/ American Psychiatric Association
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/ 2012
/ Press release: Announcement of 2012national academic achievement evaluation results
/ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
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/ 2021
/ Special education annual report
/ Ministry of Education
American Psychiatric Association
/ 2013
/ Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (Vol. 5, No. 5)
/ American psychiatric association
Peltopuro, M.
/ 2014
/ Borderline intellectual functioning : a systematic literature review
/ Intellectual and developmental disabilities
: 419~443
Wieland, J.
/ 2016
/ It is time to bring borderline intellectual functioning back into the main fold of classification systems
/ BJPsych Bulletin
: 204~206
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/ 2008
/ Psychiatric morbidity and social functioning among adults with borderline intelligence living in private households
/ Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
: 95~106
Dong-il Kim
/ 2021
/ Final report on research on the current status of intelligent youth and support measures in Seoul
/ Seoul Metropolitan Government
Jin Jeong-rim
/ 2023
/ The impact of a structured social promotion group play therapy program on the social development and self-efficacy of borderline intelligence elementary school students
/ Master's
/ Jeju National University Graduate School of Social Education
MacMillan, D. L.
/ 1996
/ The labyrinth of IDEA : school decisions on referred students with subaverage general intelligence
/ American Journal of Mental Retardation : AJMR
: 161~174
Geun-ha Kim
/ 2007
/ Grade level Differences in Academic Achievements of Elementary Students with Borderline Intellectual Functioning
/ Korean Society of Special Education Academic Conference
Ministry of Health and Welfare
/ 2009
/ All amendments to the Enforcement Decree of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act, Presidential Decree No. 20323. Disability rating criteria. 2009 Welfare Guide for the Disabled
Tae-eun Kim
/ 2020
/ Development of a checklist for screening slow learners
/ Korea Educational Evaluation Institute
Chauhan, S.
/ 2011
/ Slow learners : their psychology and educational programmes
/ International journal of multidisciplinary research
: 279~289
Singh, V. P
/ 2004
/ Education of the slow learners (Vol. 2)
/ Sarup & Sons
Saebyeol Lee
/ 2020
/ Validation of working memory tests and analysis of working memory characteristics in children with borderline intelligence
/ PhD
/ Seoul National University of Education Graduate School of Education
MacMillan, D. L.
/ 1998
/ Discrepancy between definitions of learning disabilities and school practices : An empirical investigation
/ Journal of learning disabilities
: 314~326
Kim Lakhyung
/ 2007
/ Characteristics of language in the schoolaged children with borderline intelligence
/ Journal of Education for Special Children
: 193~209
Cooter, K. S.
/ 2004
/ One size doesn't fit all : Slow learners in the reading classroom
/ The reading teacher
: 680~
Jeong, Hee-Jeong
/ 2006
/ Cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children with borderline intelligence
/ Child Welfare Research
: 109~124
Karande, S.
/ 2005
/ Cognition in specific learning disability
/ The Indian Journal of Pediatrics
: 1029~1033
Reddy, S. H. K.
/ 1997
/ A study of library based information needs of the parents of persons with mental retardation
/ International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
: 209~216
Reddy, G. L.
/ 2006
/ Slow-Learners-Their-PsychologyꠓInstruction
/ Discovery Publishing House
Mishna, F.
/ 2003
/ Learning disabilities and bullying : Double jeopardy
/ Journal of learning disabilities
: 336~347
Masi, G.
/ 1998
/ Adolescents with borderline intellectual functioning : Psychopathological risk
/ Adolescence
: 415~
Farkas, G.
/ 2003
/ Cognitive skills and noncognitive traits and behaviors in stratification processes
/ Annual review of sociology
: 541~562
Lee Song-i
/ 2020
/ Development and validation of a test measuring non-cognitive characteristics in the area of creative personality
/ Master’s
/ Ewha Womans University Graduate School
West, M.
/ 2015
/ Leadership and leadership development in health care: the evidence base
Duckworth, A. L.
/ 2007
/ Grit : perseverance and passion for long-term goals
/ Journal of personality and social psychology
: 1087~
Duckworth, A. L.
/ 2009
/ Development and validation of the Short Grit Scale(GRIT-S)
/ Journal of personality assessment
: 166~174
Tough, P.
/ 2012
/ How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character
/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Strayhorn, T. L.
/ 2013
/ Academic and social barriers to Black and Latino male collegians' success in engineering and related STEM fields
Holbein, J. B.
/ 2016
/ Making young voters : the impact of preregistration on youth turnout
/ American Journal of Political Science
: 364~382
Bandura, M.
/ 1985
/ The relationship of conceptions of intelligence and achievement goals to achievement-related cognition, affect and behavior
/ Harvard University
Dweck, C. S.
/ 2012
/ Mindsets and human nature : promoting change in the Middle East, the schoolyard, the racial divide, and willpower
/ American psychologist
: 614~
Blackwell, L. S.
/ 2007
/ Implicit theories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent transition : A longitudinal study and an intervention
/ Child development
: 246~263
Aronson, J.
/ 2002
/ Reducing the effects of stereotype threat on African American college students by shaping theories of intelligence
/ Journal of experimental social psychology
: 113~125
Spuzic, S.
/ 2016
/ The synergy of creativity and critical thinking in engineering design : The role of interdisciplinary augmentation and the fine arts
/ Technology in Society
: 1~7
McCutchen, K. L.
/ 2016
/ Mindset and standardized testing over time
/ Learning and Individual Differences
: 208~213
Fitzgerald, C.
/ 2016
/ Helping students enhance their grit and growth mindsets
/ Educația Plus
: 52~67
Dweck, C. S.
/ 2006
/ Mindset: The new psychology of success
/ Random house
Mueller, C. M.
/ 1998
/ Praise for intelligence can undermine children's motivation and performance
/ Journal of personality and social psychology
: 33~
Dweck, C. S.
/ 2010
/ Even geniuses work hard
/ Educational leadership
: 16~20
Dweck, C.
/ 2016
/ What having a"growth mindset"actually means
/ Harvard business review
: 2~5
Yeonsuk Choi
/ 2021
/ The impact of lifelong education participation, political efficacy, and citizenship on quality of life: The moderated mediating effect of growth mindset
/ PhD
/ Hanseo University Graduate School
Jeon Hyang-shin
/ 2018
/ The relationship between growth mindset, grit, implicit
/ PhD
/ Mokpo National University Graduate School
Duckworth, V.
/ 2013
/ Learning trajectories, violence and empowerment amongst adult basic skills learners
/ Routledge
Galla, B. M.
/ 2015
/ More than resisting temptation : Beneficial habits mediate the relationship between self-control and positive life outcomes
/ Journal of personality and social psychology
: 508~
Aditomo, A.
/ 2015
/ Students' response to academic setback : "Growth mindset"as a buffer against demotivation
/ International Journal of Educational Psychology
: 198~222
Chance, R. C.
/ 2009
/ The Relationship Between Mindset, Goal Orientation, and Happiness Among Minority Science Students
/ Doctoral
/ California State University San Marcos
Robertson-Kraft, C.
/ 2014
/ True grit : Trait-level perseverance and passion for long-term goals predicts effectiveness and retention among novice teachers
/ Teachers College Record
: 1~27
Yeager, D. S.
/ 2013
/ How can we instill productive mindsets at scale? A review of the evidence and an initial R&D agenda
/ White Paper Prepared for White House Meeting Excellence in Education: The Importance of Academic Mindsets