Hyo-Min An
Keon Choi
Song-Mi Park
and 1 other persons
| 2025, 10(1)
| pp.9~17
| number of Cited : 0
The efficiency of 39 public libraries in Chungcheongnam-do from 2019 to 2023 was evaluated using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), assessing their relative efficiency and analyzing the results of scale efficiency and scale returns for each year. The input factors included reading seats, collection materials, and staff, while the output factors were operational budget, number of users, and number of books used. The analysis showed that, unlike the CCR model, only the BCC model identified efficient public libraries, indicating inefficiencies in scale. Additionally, it was found that most public libraries exhibited inefficiencies in their operations due to the excessive input of resources relative to their scale of output. Based on these findings, benchmarking data and reference groups can be suggested to enhance the efficiency of public libraries that are identified as inefficient.